There, now that I got that out of the way, I can talk about other stuff.
I'm currently sporting a nice bandage on my arm. Silly me had to go get my blood taken. Doctor wanted to do one of those annual blood tests. At least this time I didn't have a no vein situation.
The 3-Day weekend was ok. Mostly I spent it in a vain search for Wii Fit, but I did pick up a few games for cheap. I got Blazing Angels 2 for $10 and I got Just Cause for $15. Blazing Angels 2 is a WW2 flying game, and its a lot better than Blazing Angels. BA2 has all the nice fantasy techno stuff you'd expect from a WW2 video game. Tesla death rays, jets, zepplins, force field-using flying aircarriers. You know, the usual.
Just Cause is an "Open World" game like GTA, but you play a CIA agent helping to overthrow a South American-style government. The main character is sort of like
Antonio Banderas only he's also got a paraglider he can use along with a grappel launcher, to fly behind cars, or to get ahold of helicopters, or to get into all sorts of mischief. Its lots of fun. It sort of reminds me of Crackdown, another "Open World" game, where you can do all sorts of crazy stuff. It was fun though, and it does the one thing that I didn't like with GTA4.
Ok, let me say right now, I like GTA4, but its got some really annoying things that bug me the wrong way, unlike Just Cause. What's my main gripe? Simple. The amount of time it takes me to see any sort of action in GTA4 can be measured in hours. The amount of time it takes me to start liberating a whole bunch of islands with an assortment of shootie items can be measured in minutes. Thats right, I want more shootie in GTA4, less "I'm Russian Guy Who Talks Funny and I Finally Kill Someone Around 3 Hours Into The Game". Just Cause throws you right into the action, there were no less than 2 helicopters blown up and 10 jeeps exploded in the first 4 minutes.
But other than that, it was slow. I did pick up a gift or two for
simtra &
walkertxkitty as well. So yay me.
Not much else to mention really. Can I have another day off now?