Well, if anyone was curious, it was my fault that we had a filler on this week's
LXF page. For some reason last week, my artistic mojo decided to take a few days off, so I ended up playing
Call of Duty 4 multiplayer for a good portion of the week.
And I was doing very well, considering that I tend to be a bullet lemming. Most of the multiplayer games I play in CoD4 are stuff like Headquarters, where you have to capture objectives and then destroy them if the other team captures it first. And like a lemming, I love to run towards objectives, oblivious to the grenade chucking, sniper camping, machine gun toting yahoos ready to mow my fuzzy ferret tail down the moment I get within 2 feet of the damn thing.
That, and I don't aim at targets as much as I just aim towards them. I tend to use the time honored tradition of "Spray & Pray". That probably explains my fondness for fully automatic assault rifles, the
P90, and all the light machineguns I can carry. Indeed, I have a hit ratio somewhere around 8.8% right now, just because I tend to lay down huge amounts of supressing fire. I also use the tradition of "Run & Gun" like its going out of style. Indeed, one mission last night involved me and my squad having to defend an objective. There was a target over a small wall, and I ran straight towards him, laying into him with a good 15 rounds from my
G36c. One of my team mates was like "Don't go run out there like a maniac", shouted over the mic. I shot up another enemy, while a 3rd rounded a corner and finished me off, but I told my team mate back, "Why not? That was a lot of fun!" to which he admitted that "Yeah, it did look like fun".
But anyways, I guess the point I'm trying to make is I had a lot of fun, and thats why I'm a bad art ferret. Seriously. I finished up the actual page of LXF that was supposed to be done on Sunday sometime late late late Sunday night when I was watching FPS in one window and Photoshopping in the other. Thats not good, partly because I already have the NEXT 3 pages already on paw, and I'm just now getting started with them.
Oh, and I have Megaplex to work on too. Yeah, like a bullet lemming, I'm rushing off to be the video game ferret in charge of the video game room! That means I get to get even LESS art done during the end of this month! Weeee! But on the plus side, it should be a lot of fun, even if I'm going to be completely incognito or something when that happens. That means I need to cement down these events I'm going to run at the con. I need to get some cables from work as well.
Army of Two comes out tomorrow.
Uh, sorry. I just felt like posting all of that for no good reason. Actually, it probably has something to do with me being really tired and not sleeping well. That probably is it. Ok, time for me to go do work work.