Apr 30, 2009 17:10
i have an exam tomorrow, my first major exam in university, and....LAXXXING LARH. seriously, i feel even more laxxxing than i felt during EOYs in JC, probably because 1) this is university and I HAVE AN MCQ PAPER! happy. and it's not even the hard kind where all the answers are SUPER SIMILAR and they try to trick you, it's the primary school kind 2) psychology is the kind of topic that is purely common sense one, the hard bit is putting a cheem-sounding name to a completely straightforward theory and then making up pros and cons. can create on the spot one lah 3) it counts for 1/6 out of 1/9 of my total degree grade, and might not count at all if i do really badly on it! how cool is that. 4) i'm going to oxford tomorrow and i'm more worried about how to get there in once piece ON TIME than i am about passing my exam. i hate getting lost. very confusing.
stupid stupid stupid. why do my exams last so long. stupid stupid stupid. grrr. i want them all to be OVER then i can get down to doing THINGS THAT MATTER:
- metal gear marathon
- go walking along the thames at night
- ride a horse
- sit in a paddle boat and paddle around (maybe feed ducks if they appear) (i quite like ducks, feeding them is super relaxing) (mandarin ducks are also SUPER FREAKIN PRETTY, go google them!)
- other random important things like finding the burger stand on baker street