Title: Passing Time {3/6}
Pairing: HaeHyuk (Donghae/Hyukjae)
Rating: PG-13, later chapters R
Genre: AU, Angst, Romance
Word Count: 2833
Summary: There was something about Hyukjae that was different- charming to a degree- though Donghae wasn't sure what exactly made him that way.
Note: Boop beep. \0/ Okay, so some of you guys seemed really concerned about
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A smug grin told Donghae everything, and he jumped off the couch to fling his arms around Hyukjae's waist, showering his face with light kisses....
-Gah this whole section was just freakin beautiful. I LOVED your descriptions of Donghae's admiration and Hyukjae's concentration~ I could just picture it so easy, and what I saw was just so darn lovely I wanted to hold it. Sadly I cannot -_- but my admiration for this fic has heightened so much more.. ahh and Hyukkie has quit smoking!! Wahhh that made me so happy!! I totally felt Donghae's happpiness lol and I wanted to happily kiss him too xD I was so proud of him and I felt all fluffy inside amd it was perfect annnnnd I should really stop fangirling about this now >.>
“Think about it for a second, sweetie.”
-Muahaha oh yes <3 This part of the scene was sexy~ Yet satisfying haha because you coud just feel Donghae's joy when he quit smoking. It's a really nice feeling <3
Hyukjae had lost more weight. He had been since he quit smoking. At first Donghae linked it to possible withdrawal symptoms, but when he asked Hyukjae, the man had glanced around nervously and would push away his food.
-Awww poor bby... I wonder what has had Hyuk so anxious. Not eating, always nervously looking around him.. Why has my poor bby been going through such frightened torture T^T “They said that they were going to hurt you.”
Donghae's breath caught, “Hyuk, quit trying to scare me.”
“I'm not-”
“Then who's 'they?'”
Hyukjae was trembling as Donghae's voice rose slightly, though there was silence after the question. Then, a broken sob pushed into life and Donghae felt his heart wrench.
-MY POOR BBY! WHO HAS BEEN SCARING YOU?! I'LL THROW A BLENDER AT THEIR FACE. Aissshh so scary! I wonder who 'they' is (are?) :O Who would want to hurt Donghae anyway? Whoever is doing this is seriously screwing Hyukkie up! Poor thing is terrified! If I ever get my hands on him >.<**
WAHHH That was such an amazing update! I want to compliment you on your use of time as well haha Even though I wanted to feel down that it jumped from the first date to 3 weeks of being together to eventually 6 months, I really couldn't complain because you gave insight at different stages of their relationship, which I highly appreciate so THANK YOU <3 You even threw in a kiss and sensual implications :D It was bliss ^0^ <3 So I very very much loves this chapter and absolutely cannot wait to see what you have in store next! You've totally sparked my curious button and now I can't wait for more lol Hwaiting my dear and hope to see another update soon! :D <333
p.s. Is this comment to long and pointless? I'm sorry T^T Its just that a friend has inspired me to give more lengthy and worthy comments so I thought I'd give it a try~ if it's to much I'll dial down my .. errr.. fangirling? Anyhow, HWAITING! <3
I'm glad you liked the chapter, and I really loved reading your comments~~ Not pointless at all, it helps me know what people like to read.
Kyaaaahhh thank you for taking the time to comment~ It must've taken you awhile~ Next chapter is more in Hyukjae's perspective and should hopefully be uploaded later this week~ <3
Awww shucks~ <3 ^////v///^
I'm glad I made you smile :D I need to comment like that more often ^-^ I was was a bit rushed on your last chapter so I could be as thorough OTL but I'll continue! :D
My comments love you too! \(^o^)/ <3
The time was worth it :D And I've ready read that update lol *whispers* it was awesome o.o
*wallows in the eunhae kisses*
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