Cute haircut day!

Jan 14, 2006 13:51

Got it all done in time for tonight's party at estuelke's house. Re-colored it yesterday, got it cut today. The wind is gusting something fierce, so the style is being blown all to hell, but it should hold up.

When I was done with the cut, and before I went out to get ktok, I looked in the mirror trying to determine who I looked like because it now looked so familiar. My first thought was Agent Scully. I changed my mind and then thought Lyta Alexander (from Bab5). I changed my mind again...I look like the chick from the last season of The Shield who was the high-class prostitute (okay, "escort"...I think her character's name is Sara Frazier) who was screwing (or being screwed by?) former-Captain-now-Councilman Aceveda.

In any case, I'm pleased with how it turned out.

We ate at an Indian restaurant that's right by the salon. It was pretty good. It was just buffet for lunch, but we got to try a bunch of dishes which is always nice. ktok was freaking out because I gladly ate the goat. He's the one who get the nickname "Eel Boy" due to his favorite type of sushi, and he's flipping over me eating goat? Sheesh.

I want a nap really bad. I was up WAY too late finishing putting in the running stitch for the skirt pleating and then pinned it to the bodice. It looks MUCH better now. But I'm bound and determined to get that part of the dress done this weekend. Tollus and his wife have written about making sure when Faire is going to be held so they can get the time off, and Keldrin might be coming up too. I want to make sure it's done well enough in advance so I can make any necessary adjustments. Though I get the feeling I will be sewing at the last minute (trim or something) the morning of Faire. It always works out that way.

I did purchase some black velvet Chinese/Mary Jane shoes from eBay yesterday for $5. After shipping, it came to about $9.50. I saw some other Mary Janes (pleather of some kind, but with a 1" wedge heel) that I'd probably prefer, but I want to see how these turn out first. Determining where to put the hems is the big question. In any case, these will be good and basic to use. I got an e-mail saying the person shipped the shoes today, and all their feedback says their shipping tends to be really fast, so I can't wait to get them. I'm guessing they'll be here on Tuesday.

For this rose gown, I think I'd prefer the bronze satin Mary Janes I saw in someone else's eBay store, but they're $20 before shipping. Since I don't know if I'd rather wear the flats or prefer a slight heel (since I'm usually in a 1-2" heel in most of my shoes anyway) I'm going to see how these black ones feel first, then determine if I want anything else. If the flats are fine, I'll probably get the bronze ones. If I think a heel would feel better, I'll get those instead. Not a bad idea to have a few pairs of shoes in case something happens to the ones you have and you don't have time to get another pair. Like my pretty mules for my Venetian... *sigh* Damn that van driver for pulling up over the less muddy spots in the parking lot at Faire last year so my poor shoes are no longer cream-colored. At least they were on clearance for about $15, but still...

I think I'm going to start stitching my skirt to my bodice. I won't have a lot of time tonight, and I don't know how tomorrow is going to be as far as free time, so no sense in wasting time now.

weekend, vanity post, costuming

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