Costuming Meme!

Nov 18, 2005 13:40

Ganked from jenthompson who ganked it from sewphisticate (I'll add links to pics when my costuming site's server is back up):

1. What is the unfinished project that looms over you? Bonus points if you can remember how long you have been avoiding it.
My leather EQ High Elf costume for EQ Fan Faire. If it ever looks like we're going to go, I'll probably finish it. I put too much work into the bodice. But it's been about 2 years now....

2. What is your secret sewing vice? It could be anything from not pressing seams to cutting against the grain. It’s the thing you do that’s wrong-and you don’t care!
I do the worst of the worst: Normally I don't pre-wash my fabric. But I'm not in the SCA or anything, and my costumes get worn once a year if I'm lucky, so I am a bad girl. Although I'm working on changing that habit.

3. Which of your sewing friends do you envy and why?
This question just proves I need more sewing friends. I'm working on that. (Looks pointedly at estuelke and jenna3.) Though I do love twistednymph's creativity...I look forward to seeing what she comes up with. And of course, there's jenthompson. 'Nuff said.

4. If you could steal any costume sewn by anyone you know-and that includes in the LJ sense of the word-what would it be and who made it?
I said it before and I'll say it again: jenthompson's Bergamesque. Her Venetian inspired mine, but this one inspired me to look into reproductions. The details! The details! I would SO gank that one in a heartbeat!

5. You’re stumped about how to proceed on a project, so you ask for advice from your pin posse. What is the WORST advice you received?
Again, I need a pin posse. So thankfully, I can't blame them. I bet my worst advice comes from myself, though I can't remember any in particular. They're good ideas at the time....

6. You worked hard on the costume, got it finished, and now you hate it and never wear it. What is it?
I'll probably never wear my Ever After gown again. I like it, but it just makes me look pregnant now. Empire waistlines... *shudder* So why would I wear that when I can wear something more flattering like my Venetian?

7. Have you ever had a costume you made implode-while you were wearing it? Do tell!
Okay, the first time I wore my Ever After gown, we got to the Raleigh Faire, crossed the bridge into the fairgrounds, and immediately stepped on the hem of the underskirt and ripped it. Then there's my Pucci dress (non-costume) that the shoulder strap broke off. I still need to fix that. But I'm waiting until I can fit into it again. *blush*

8. You know you shouldn’t wear it-the costume is soooo unflattering--but you love it and wear it anyway. What is it?
My Simplicity Ever After gown. Empire waistlines make me look pregnant, even with a corset underneath. But as I said in #6, I'll probably never wear it again. Maybe. We shall see.

9. Complete the sentence: I know I’m a costume whore because…
I didn't even want to upgrade to a paid LJ account because I wanted to save money, but I had no problem dropping money on fabric and supplies for my Tudor projects. *sigh* I know, seems so hypocritical...

10. You are at some kind of costumed event. You are trussed up in the pranciest of your prancy costumes. You are wearing a wig. And feathers. You see a work colleague. Do you step forward boldly and claim your geekitude, or do you flee?
Meh, everyone knows already!

meme, costuming

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