This weekend's retreat

Nov 13, 2005 14:10

Whew! Okay, now that I got that rant out of my system, I can write about the retreat. =)

It was good. It was really good. I needed that time.

We drove out to the campsite at the lake and arrived at about 4:45. We set up tents, (of course, it was quite dark by the time I could finish setting up my tent and getting my stuff unloaded from my car), solpgraywolf arrived, and we started a fire. We needed it! It got COLD that night! We had a good opening ritual to kick off the weekend.

We all were so cold when we went to bed, though. I had on thermal underwear (top and bottom), sweats (top and bottom), wind pants, and a hoodie, and curled into my 0 degrees F rated sleeping bag, and still was shivering. I think it was well into the low-30's that night, but being so near the lake, it was probably even colder where we were. My right thigh and buttcheek did NOT want to warm up.

I also brought my earplugs. I was warned some people snore, but really I put them in because the nearby campsite with their radio on to 80's rock and who were talking all night were bugging me. So I had my earplugs in before any snoring commenced.

Saturday was nice. I finished putting on the bias tape along the top of my corset. Now I have to put it on the bottom. I also need to put in the grommets. I think I'm going to do the grommets first.

We had some nice small rituals and meditations, ate a ton of s'mores, and I had hot dogs cooked over an open flame. I haven't done that in ages. They were SO good!

Had a nice lively "full" moon ritual down at the lake on the beach that night, too.

I slept rather well that night. It was significantly warmer.

estuelke and I left around 11 am this morning. We wanted to stay for closing ritual and everything, but we had been there all weekend and just really wanted to get home. I just really wanted a hot shower and clean clothes (neither of which I've done yet) and I've missed Jeff and the ratties and will probably take a nap later in my own bed. I didn't know how to get home from the lake, but I knew how to get home from her place, so I was going to leave with her. It was just one of those times when I just knew I needed to come home.

It's was really nice to be away from the computer and the phone and everything this weekend and not have to worry about the rest of the world for a bit. My goal for the weekend was to get back to nature a bit more and "find myself" again. Granted, I could have used more days to "find myself," but it was a start. I didn't feel like I was at everyone else's beck and call. I got to sit out there with my sewing and with fewer distractions (because there are always SOME distractions, like having to stoke the fire some more) and get away. Also, the first night when I went to bed, I felt like I wasn't breathing enough. I mean, I was "fine" or "normal" when I was by the fire, but in was like the air was SO much cleaner that my body didn't know what to do with it. I kept breathing almost like I wasn't getting enough oxygen, but really, it was because I felt like I was FINALLY taking in fresh air. Fresh COLD sir, but fresh air nonetheless. The next day I felt SO much better.

I needed this weekend. I'd like to do it again sometime. Heck, I'd like to go camping for a week in that area. It was a nice getaway, and I'm glad I got to bond with the others a bit more. solpgraywolf even suggested I do the Spring Equinox ritual for the group when the time comes. I think I just might do that. I've been sitting back a bit and taking my time listening and learning from the group because I needed to do so. It was refreshing to be able to be in an environment where I could learn without pressure for a change. I think it's about time I step up and show the group what I'm capable of.

solp, wicca, vacation

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