KiScon 2011 Update

Apr 04, 2011 13:58

We're less than three months from the con, and things are moving along nicely!

Firstly, a reminder that if you haven't yet joined KiScon 2011, the price will rise from $99 to $120 on May 1st 2011. You can join online now to benefit from the lower rate. You also need to book your hotel room by June 1st to benefit from the discounted group rate of $109prpn.

We know there's been some concern from regular KiScon attendees over the inclusion of Reboot K/S this year, so we have been asking members to specify their universe preference when signing up. So far, about half have stated that they prefer TOS, with most of the remainder enjoying both universes. We have therefore arranged a two-stream program in which there will be something TOS-specific on at all times, with the remainder made up of some Reboot-specific items and some general/meta discussions which can be applied to either universe. This means that everyone should find plenty in the program to suit their tastes.

We are excited to be welcoming our Guests of Honour, Kathleen Resch and seperis, who will be participating in the program and contributing to our con zine.

We are currently accepting submissions of fic and artwork for the zine, to be compiled by arminaa, who created the wonderful Universal Constant zine. If you are interested in contributing, please let us know as soon as possible and let us have your final submission by May 31st 2011 at kiscon2011 [at]

We are also accepting vids, both new for con and which have been shown before. If you would like to submit your creation for the vid show, please send it (or a link to a hi-res version) to vidshow [at]

We can't wait to see you in June!

rhaegal and awarrington
KiScon 2011 Co-chairs

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kiscon, star trek, fandom, conventions

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