K/S recs #3

May 25, 2009 09:55

My Galactic Structure exam is tomorrow, and I have yet to even open my notes. This is how awesome NuTrek fic is.

So. Continuing from previous recs, I have more delightful K/S goodness, with a couple of randoms thrown in for fun. STR denotes Reboot fic, * are saved for re-read and *** own my soul.

Delta Vega fics
This includes anything set on Delta Vega, including what Jim really saw in Spock Prime's mind, and also anything that deals with the lingering effects of the meld and how it influences the K/S relationship in the new timeline. I have a whole category for this now, because it's like the new pon farr fic - everyone's having a go at it, and they are all awesome. This is my new crack.

*** STR Stars Apart, Shine the Same by - ADULT
This one is absolutely incredible. I actually cried in the middle.

* Taking the Slow Path (we'll get there in the end) by black_eyedgirl
K/S preslash, also mentions of Spock/Uhura, and I spotted some Sulu/Chekhov, though I'm not sure that was intentional. Lovely example of Kirk and Spock's slow progression towards friendship.

STR Small Steps by anamatics
Gen/preslash, another slow progression towards being friends.

* STR A Level Course and True by brighteyed_jill - ADULT
A lovely, hot example of the 'look what Spock Prime showed me' fic.

* STR Merriam Webster by mozart
Very short, and a must-read. A beautiful example of the Delta Vega scene.

STR Nothing Gold by crown_of_ice
Spock Prime's view of events of Delta Vega, nicely poignant.

*** STR Potential, In Retrospect by hitlikehammers
An absolutely beautiful take on the 'look what Spock Prime showed me' trope.

Gen/ Pre-slash

***STR The Word for World is- by laurajv
Beautiful look at the building of the new Vulcan colony, which manages to capture the grief exquisitely while remaining completely Vulcan.

* STR The Unveiled Secret by lauravj
Spock Prime and Sarek gen, with implied Spock Prime/ Kirk Prime. An absolutely gorgeous conversation that could have been lifted out of the movie.

STR Four People James T. Kirk Never Told (and three he did) by vaingirlfic
H/C, with Kirk/Carol Marcus and a teensy hint of Kirk/Spock/Uhura. Hits a little bit close to home for me, but that means it's well done.

*** STR How to Avoid Kicking Puppies and Other Valuable Lessons in Leadership by sparky77
Gen, though my slash goggles say pre-slash. And completely awesome. A quote: There’s something about the way he slouches that seems to be saying, ‘I could be sitting straight, but the universe just couldn’t handle the awesomeness of me being fully upright in this chair.'

STR Sentiment by cleo
Gen, Spock Prime's view of Kirk being made Captain.

STR Recovery by the_dala
Lovely concerned Spock, crackling with UST.

STR Destiny by gigitrek
A Spock/Uhura breakup fic, with Kirk/Spock developing in the background.

First time

STR And Many More by the_dala
Spock comforts Kirk on his birthday.

The Force of Habit by Anna Amuse
Glimpses of missions which brought Kirk and Spock closer together, all nicely laden with UST.

STR Need by azelma - ADULT
Kirk doesn't know what's wrong with him, but Spock does. I have a huge weakness for a dominant Spock - not necessarily in a D/s sense, just a no-messing-around, taking what he wants sort of way.

* STR Don't Last Like the Feeling by anowlinsunshine - ADULT
Really more of a Spock/Uhura breakup fic, with Kirk/Spock as the background, but gets a mention because it's done in a completely believable and respectful way, and I can totally believe this is how it happens.

* Wilderness Were Paradise Enow by belmanoir - ADULT
Set right after This Side of Paradise, with Kirk being rightly perturbed by Spock's implication that he's unhappy aboard the Enterprise. Contains one of the most in-character sex scenes I've seen, with a Spock who isn't human, and a Kirk who likes him that way.

Five Times Kirk Tried to Seduce Spock, and One Time He Succeeded by belmanoir
This one is sweet and funny - Kirk doesn't usually require much effort to seduce people, so when he does need to try he's at a bit of a loss.

STR All Titles Are Clichés by dagnirovanaliel - ADULT
Response to the Kink Meme prompt Spock/Kirk - spanking (becoming Captain over Spock has gone to Kirk's head). Dom!Spock and eager!Kirk are hilarious.

STR When the Levee Breaks by waketosleep - ADULT
I have a real weakness for protective!Spock. And Spock in a bar being protective is just win on a stick.

STR All That We Can Be, Not Just What We Are by dreamlittleyo - ADULT
Pon Farr fic! W00t!

* STR Any Other World and Part II by elapsedspiral
Kirk/Spock and Spock/Uhura. Alternating snippets from the two timelines of TOS and STXI. Very cleverly done.

STR Green Light by elapsedspiral - ADULT
Really funny, but sweet at the same time.

STR Not Logical by ennyousai
Jealous!Spock is another massive kink of mine. Yum. Also, there is some awesome stuff in this Kink Meme. It's worth just reading through all the comments if you have time.

Three People Captain Kirk Did Not Sleep With (and one he did) by general_public
Less than 1000 words, and only a few of those K/S, but still manages to be beautifully done.

Established relationship

STR And they won't believe you when you write home about it by raphaela667
With a delightfully gossipy Sulu learning something intriguing about his commanding officers.

STR Faith by azelma
Also contains Kirk/McCoy and implied future Kirk/Spock/McCoy.

STR Before Your Father was Born by fluxy3525
I don't normally read mpreg, but this is really quite sweet.


STR Barely Perceptible Green by woebetidesweets - ADULT
Kirk enjoys some power play, Spock likes to pretend he's being all cool and academic about it.

STR Nature, Structure, Variation Of by anowlinsunshine
Because sex on the bridge is always hot. It's like a law of nature.

STR Medical Observation by anowlinsunshine - ADULT
With Voyeur!Bones and Exhibitionist!Kirk. Funny and hot.

STR What I Say, When I Say Anything At All by brighteyed_jill - ADULT
A short, sweet sex scene.

STR Heat Transfer by deepsix - ADULT
This is also a first time, but mostly porn. What I love about this one is that Kirk just goes for it. No messing around, he sees an opportunity for smexing and he takes it, and that is very much our Jim.

STR Wherein Kirk and Spock Have Inadvisable Drunken Sex by ifyouweremine - ADULT
Does exactly what it says on the tin.


STR Kink Meme and Tweet by florahart
Flora is totally pwning the reboot crack. Kink Meme is metafic, and Tweet is a Twitter exchange of pure comedic genius.

Other pairings/ Threesomes

STR Confidence by green - ADULT
Gaila/Uhura, with an awesome Gaila characterisation.

* STR Mutiny on the Enterprise Part I, Part II, Part III by down_fell_jill - ADULT
Kirk/Spock/McCoy. Spock and McCoy are both trying to seduce Kirk. Everyone knows this. Everyone, that is, except Kirk. The humour in this is brilliant.

And finally, some random musing before I wander off to cram some knowledge of galactic dynamics into my poor frazzled brain.

There are a couple of American fandoms I've read fic in - mostly Stargate and House - but I've never been tempted to write in those, primarily because I was sure I wouldn't be able to get the American characters' voices right. Trek is the first non-British one I've actually tried. I finished the first draft of a fic last night, and the one thing I am hopelessly, painfully aware of is that I can't write Americans. At all.

I mention this because it's ironic. I've been Brit-picking fic in the LotR and HP fandoms for years, and have snarked over the use of "color" and "-ize" and Harry "graduating high school," but I never appreciated how downright hard it is to keep up an unfamiliar dialect for an entire fic.

So, to anyone I've Britpicked in the past, I get it now. And you may have your revenge :-)

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star trek, fandom, k/s recs

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