In the end they came sooner than expected, and now I'm holding the precious Terra e...Limited Edition DVD1 in my hands, as well as the BL extra fan-disc with wonderful SaigaXSugitan rambling. Much, much love to the both of them, for the manga reading session and the priceless Wakamoto impersonation by Sugita.
Shangri-La Shiritsu Gakuen totally destroyed any semblance of seriousness the characters have in the actual story.Can't wait for Keith to be introduced and completely overhaulted **. The first 3 episodes are probably the weakest of all of them so far...Which isn't to say they're bad.Actually they're a pretty good introduction to the story setting and core problems.
Oh! And if you were wondering (of course you were **), DVDs are also equipped with Japanese subtitles, something I'd basically never seen XD,and discovered by mistakingly playing with the remote.
Of course the customs were really happy to deliver me the goods with an extra 13 euros' worth of taxes, fees and stuff the State generally wants to rob us of with an excuse. Why isn't Japan a part of Europe I wonder XD.
Allora, i sub sono pronti fino alla puntata 14, 15 entro questa settimana, ma quel che piu' conta è che, essendo una versione da DVD-rip pensavamo di encodarlo come HD 264 anzichè come semplice XviD.Tuttavia, si pone il problema della lettura dei file da parte di PC particolarmente vetusti oppure dei lettori DVD/DivX stand-alone, che non supportano questo formato. A questo proposito, preferireste quindi un formato agile , leggero e leggibile, ma di minore qualita', o il formatone definitivo e strafigo, ma piu' pesante e difficile da visualizzare con macchine non aggiornate?
Ah, questo dilemma si presentera' anche per il Farinone presumo, quindi esprimete liberamente il Vostro eccelso parere *_* e trasmettero' le opinioni ai Grandi Capi XD.