Sasha Malchik in the news... yet again!

Jan 26, 2008 02:51

Although this is not officially a Russian House correspondence, RH residents were equally affected by more than regular occurence on the russkis list called "Sasha mail". I am posting this to preserve it for posterity.

Subject: not cool!!! (no offense, Sasha...)
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 14:42:03 -0800
From: Joe I Budman

This was a parody that asked for itself....

Aepi-west to March against excess Sasha-Mail
Joe Budman, Chronicle Staff Writer
Thursday, January 28, 1999

Hoping to spark a worldwide revolt, subscribers to aepi-west
plan to march down to the local Malchik residence in Palo Alto
on February 15 to demand refunds for unread Sasha email.

Their premise is that people who receive email sent to aepi-west are forced to
receive the email sent by Sasha to the list. But customers who always
delete these emails are entitled to a refund, they argue.

Aepi-west's end-user licensing agreement states that a subscriber who
does not agree to the terms of the excess mail can contact the sender
``for instructions on return of the unread email(s) for a refund.''

The idea of a Sasha Refund Day surfaced just last week on an Internet
Linux discussion site,, after word surfaced that an
aepi-Eugene ex-subscriber, Fermi H. Adballs, had used the provision in
the licensing agreement to get a refund because he doesn't read
Sasha's mail. Adballs posted online messages saying he received a $110 refund
from Sasha after months of haggling.

Sasha Refund Day organizers say they are trying to cut the red tape
that prevents others from getting refunds.

``We want people who get Sasha-Mail involuntarily to be able to exercise
their claims promptly and conveniently,'' said Donald B. Marti Jr., a
San Francisco Linux marketing consultant who is helping to coordinate
refund day.

``You'd be surprised how many emails people get and throw straight into
the trash and never read at all,'' Marti said.

Organizers of the Bay Area event say there are also plans for simultaneous
marches on Malchik offices in Boston.

Rick Moen, a Sasha mail-deleter and San Francisco computer network consultant,
said he was inspired to help organize the Bay Area refund day after
reading about Adball's experience.

Moen, who authored the refund newsletter available at, said February 15 isn't supposed to
be a ``Bash Sasha'' day, but simply a chance for aepi-west subscribers to
make a point that not everyone wants too much Sasha mail.

The organizers said that people seeking refunds should bring proof that
they haven't seen any of those movies that Sasha accused them of seeing.

Sasha's spokeswoman Sveta said that he has not decided how to
handle the refund seekers, but said that... actually, she had no comment.

Aepi-Eugene spokesman Eugene Shuster said he did not know if any mtaepi
subscribers of the past had demanded refunds, but said the vast
majority of the subscribers had threatened him.

But eMachines Inc., a new Fremont company selling sub-$500 computers,
this week agreed to refund $26 to a Boston man who loaded Sveta
without booting Sasha.

Mail-receivers ``are obliged to do the same thing, if the consumer for
whatever reason doesn't want Sasha-mail,'' said eMachines marketing
director Pattie Adams.
No offense, Sasha. We still love you.
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