A letter to President Vest from Francesco Deved'.

Jan 26, 2008 02:45

From: grisha@MIT.EDU
Received: from BUZZWORD-BINGO.MIT.EDU by a-kind-of-magic.MIT.EDU (8.8.4/4.7.17)
id RAA22023; Wed, 1 Apr 1998 17:01:54 -0500 (EST)
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 17:01:54 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <199804012201.RAA22023@a-kind-of-magic.MIT.EDU>
To: cmvest@MIT.EDU
Cc: russkis@MIT.EDU, jessig@MIT.EDU
Subject: Protest

Dear President Vest,

I am sure you are well aware of the policies pursued by the RCA deans.
Both the RCA and you have chosen to ignore students' pleas,
and the time for words has passed. Now it is time for
action, which you will not be able to ignore.

Tonight at 11:00pm in front of your office, in the presence of
Boston media and local government representatives, a protester
will drink himself to death. I would do it myself,
but the years of training have made it impossible for me.
But I shall assist a volunteer minor in this honorable act. I shall have you kno
w that
many an underaged student has volunteered dying for this noble
cause. The name of the fortunate is not to be released yet,
but it would be in your interest to take action now. Allow me to remind you -
the media has been notified.

Sincerely yours,
Franesco Deved'
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