Third Chapter to A Hero's Sacrifice

Jul 06, 2008 09:12

 Title: A Hero's Sacrifice

Author: sportadork07

Rating: R/M

Pairing: Sheriff/Robin (pretty much one-sided)

Spoilers: Season one

Summary: starts with AU of episode 1.03. How much is Robin willing to sacrifice for his cause?

Warnings: slashy angsty sexual acts of dubious consent.

Chapter Three: Secrets

They had a new man in the gang. Correction, they had a new woman in the gang. D’jaq was just one of the lads, though, as far as the other outlaws were concerned. D’jaq was a Saracen woman disguised as a man, brought to England from the Holy Land as a slave. D’jaq’s first night in the camp, she saw Robin as he was on his way to the castle.

“Where are you going this time of night?” she asked.

Robin hesitated before replying.

“Out,” he said, “I need some fresh air.”

“What is fresher air than the forest?” she asked.

“I just need to go,” said Robin, “I’ll return in the morning.”

Robin kept his word and returned to camp as early as the Sheriff let him leave. Everyone else was sleeping. Robin went to his sleeping area and soon fell asleep. The smell of food cooking woke him up. Much was cooking breakfast.

“Good morning, Master,” Much chirped, cheerfully.

“’Morning, Much,” said Robin, “food smells good.”

“It’s nearly done,” said Much, “you should really have a second helping. You’ve been looking quite pale lately.”

“Let the others eat first and then we’ll see how much is left,” said Robin.

Much looked ready to protest, but Robin was busying himself with his bow and arrows and paid Much no more attention. He was going to hunt.

Robin was now alone in the forest. Alone with his thoughts. They chased each other in dizzying circles around in his head.

‘You never should have gone to the Sheriff’s room that first night. Then, none of this would be happening.’

‘But, then, the poor wouldn’t have the lower taxes they now pay!’

‘They’re not that much lower, so how much good is that really doing?’

‘It is enough. For now.’

‘What happens when it isn’t enough anymore? Whore yourself to other men, like you’ve been doing with the Sheriff?’


“Talking to yourself, Locksley? Not a good sign,” commented a familiar sneering voice.


Robin hadn’t meant to speak out loud, but of course, didn’t say that to Gisborne.

“And, what exactly is it not a good sign of?” asked Robin.

“It means you’re going mad,” sniffed Gisborne, “but everyone already knows that.”

Robin shrugged, as if unconcerned by Gisborne’s insinuation.

“What are you doing here, Gisborne?” asked Robin, “Vaysey sent you to spy on us honest outlaws?”

“As if I’d waste my time on such a venture,” scoffed Gisborne, seemingly offended at the thought, “no, I’ve just been riding around in the forest all morning, admiring the scenery.”

He had an almost mocking sneer on his face, as he said it.

Robin didn’t believe his words, but he let Gisborne continue on his way, with a stern ‘I’ll be watching you’, as he went. Robin wondered if Gisborne knew. He decided he couldn't possibly.

Later that afternoon, the outlaws found a tax inspector and his son (not very cleverly disguised) in the forest, en route to the castle. They kept the son in the forest and Will Scarlett traveled as the tax man’s son. D’jaq stayed to guard the son, and the others traveled separately to Nottingham.

Robin, Little John, Much and Allan went in through the kitchen. The tax inspector took them to the safe, and the outlaws ended up being trapped inside with an empty chest. They’d been tricked! Robin was leaning against the barred window. He had his arms folded across his chest. He had to get them out before nightfall. He couldn’t risk the others finding out about the Sheriff.

“We’re goin’ to hang,” muttered Allan, remorsefully.

“We’re not going to hang!” replied Robin.

Not if I can help it, anyway.

“Master, what are we going to do?” asked Much, worry showing on his face.

“I have a plan,” said Robin, staring down at the floor.

“No, you don’t,” remarked Allan.

He’s right.

“You’re right,” he said, looking up, “I don’t.”

There was silence for a few minutes, before Will said, quietly, “I have a plan.”

They all looked at him. Will took out an axe and set to work chopping up one of the empty chests to fashion a key. It worked and soon, they were free. They made it out of the castle, but were soon caught by the castle guards. The Sheriff was there, as well. Robin prayed he wouldn't give anything away. Sword in hand, Robin ran straight for him. The Sheriff had a sword, too, and there was a fight on the outside stairs.

Robin soon had his sword against the Sheriff's throat.

“No one here has to die today,” he announced, “I think you know how this goes.”

Robin's men surrounded them, weapons ready to attack any guards stupid enough to try a rescue. He ordered Gisborne and his men to step away from the gate. They did. The outlaws made it safely out of the castle grounds. They confronted the impostor tax inspectors and the 'Abbess of Rufford' in the forest.


“Where are you going?” Much asked, waking up and noticing Robin was trying to leave the camp.

“For a walk,” said Robin.

“This late?” asked Much.

“Obviously,” replied Robin, “I won't be long.”

“Be careful,” advised Much.

“Don't worry, Much,” said Robin, giving his old friend a smile.


I will post chapter four either later today or sometime tomorrow.

1x03, robin, 1x06, 1x05, slash, fic, sheriff

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