The Long Way Home

Apr 15, 2009 17:47

Title: The Long Way Home
Author: Scarletts_Baby
Rating: M/NC-17 (for abuse/torture in possible later chapters)
Notes: Set on the way home from the Holy Lands, between seasons 2&3. X-Posted elsewhere also
Disclaimer: I do not own Robin Hood, if I did, Allan would be mine.


The Long Way Home

Allan leant against the railings that lined the deck of the ship, his face paled from the constant surging of the vessel. His eyes were closed, trying to erase the images that had been circling around in his mind ever since they had left the dessert town of Acre.

Marian, the sword driving into her, taking her from them.

Will and Djaq, holding one another, an enamoured look in their eyes.

Robin, sobbing and crying under the yew tree in Bassam’s yard when he thought everyone else was asleep.

John, solid, stony, appearing almost unaffected by the traumatic loss of one so close as he dug away at the sand, two graves for two lost friends.

Much, gnawing at his fingernails, trying his hardest to get through to Robin, begging him not to risk everything by killing Gisborne.

They had all grouped together in mourning, all five of them, with him on the outside, always on the outside looking in. He had tried to share their pain, tried to be there for them, but found his efforts constantly rebuffed, no one wanted help from the traitor.

“How are you Allan?” An inquisitive voice from beside him caused the man’s eyes to snap open, looking across at Much, Robin’s manservant. “I realised no one had cared to ask you yet..”

A half hearted laugh escaped Allan’s lips as he straightened up, stretching stiffly. “I don’t know… it’s just too much to take in right now..”

“I know what you mean. Master Robin is torn to pieces. I barely recognise him anymore.” Much sighed heavily, resting against the railing. “It’s as though everything that made him human is gone.”

“He loved her, still does, a part of him is gone, nothing can ever bring that back to him.” Allan’s voice dropped to a soft murmur, a distant look on his face as his eyes scanned the horizon. “Losing the one closest to you in this world is not something that can be dealt with overnight.”

“You speak as if you know what he is going through…” Much replied, a soft kindness in his voice that Allan had never heard before.

“Not in the same way as Robin, but yes, I lost the one I loved.” The pickpockets voice remained quiet, something Much had never heard before from his comrade in arms. “Her name was Ellen, we were very much in love, but her father disapproved.”

“I can’t imagine you being put off by a disapproving father.”

“I wasn’t. Me and Ellen continued to see each other, without her father knowing, but I went to her house one evening, and she was gone, the whole family had just…vanished…”

“What happened?” Much was intrigued by Allan’s story, having never heard the man speak so fondly of anyone before. “Did they come back?”

“The family did, but Ellen never returned, word was that her father had married her off. So I went off in search of her…”

“Did you find her?”

“I got waylaid in Nottingham… ended up with you lot… and I wouldn’t change that for the world…” Allan smiled gently, looking back at his companion.


[Is it worth me continuing with this, or do I leave it as is?]

2x13, allan, fic, much

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