Title: Denial II: Chapter 6, For Better, For Worse
jagnikjen Characters/Pairings: Will/Djaq, Much/Carter
Rating: NC-17
Genre: angst, romance
Words: 3399
Disclaimer: BBC & TA own; we just want to play in their universe
Notes: Beta'd by
teamlavender . Takes place at the end of an AU 2x13.
Introduction and chapter links for DII are here...Summary: King Richard marries
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What a lovely chapter. I almost feel like a cheater for reading this when I've yet to read the previous chapters, but the summary made it impossible for me to wait. :)
I found Robin's conflicting emotions over Will/Djaq's and Much/Carter's happiness very nicely written. And Much's inability to stop himself from hurting on Robin's behalf is just so sad. His struggle to let go of Robin once and for all in order to place himself more firmly at Carter's side must be the hardest thing he's ever attempted. But Carter's desire to be understanding and to earn his own, equal place in Much's heart is very sweet and no less than our dear Much deserves. Their private "wedding" was very moving, especially falling, as it did, on the heels of the very public marriage celebration they'd just witnessed.
And, of course, the W/D sections were wonderful. I enjoyed all of the cultural details of their wedding and honeymoon and I'm having such fun trying to picture every aspect of her gown in my head. (Such a girly thing to do, I know, but what can I say?) And the fluff (smuff?) at the end was lovely and (to me at least, lol) the very best part. It was very romantic and sexy and wonderfully written.
Again, great chapter! Now I must make time to go back and read all that I've missed of this story. :)
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