Denial, Chapter 61: Into the Fire

Apr 13, 2010 21:37

Title: Denial, Chapter 61: Into the Fire
Author: teamlavender 
Characters/Pairings: Much/Carter, Robin, Legrand, Little John, Will/Djaq, King Richard, James
Rating: PG-13
Genre: gen
Words: 2358
Disclaimer: BBC & TA own; we just want to play in their universe
Notes: This continues the 'Round-Robin' fic 'Denial'. Beta'd by teamlavender,jagnikjen and perteltote . Takes place during 2x13.

Summary: Richard lets the desert decide...

Previous chapter summaries & info about writing for Denial are here...

Previously, from the King's camp near Acre:

"Assemble the men," King Richard ordered coolly. "Execute them."


Into the Fire
by teamlavender

"What?! Your Majesty--"

Richard's fiery eyes met Carter's. There would be no argument.

Robin had witnessed the king deliver death sentences before, but for one moment, he seemed caught off guard. Incredulous, Robin's gaze shifted from the king to Carter then grew cold. Two soldiers prodded him into the blinding midday sun as orders rang out from the pavilion.

Bowing sharply to the king, Carter followed James outside. Will and Little John were physically restrained at sword point by several guards. Much appeared to be urging calm, speaking to Djaq, straining under the glare from John's narrowed brow.

"Squire Much!" Carter shouted.

Much turned as the guards shoved Robin down the stairs. "Rob--" A look from Carter made him hold his tongue.

Robin's eyes betrayed a look of anger and confusion. Much seemed to have changed so much under Carter's watchful gaze, and his words - and the king's - hinted at dark and ugly lies. He felt abandoned by his old friend.

Legrand, who'd run from the king's pavilion moments earlier, had not made it very far. A dozen knights surrounded him, many of whom he'd called friends, many of whom he'd fought beside.

"Bastard," one the Templars cried.

"You would kill the Queen Mother!" another shouted at him.

Two guards seized Legrand and bound his hands. He was shocked by his former comrades' accusations and barely resisted. "No! It’s a mistake..." He looked desperately at Robin who'd been jostled toward Will, Djaq and John.

John struggled until the tip of a sword actually touched his neck, making Legrand's blood run cold.

Legrand was so distracted by his concern for his friend that he didn’t even see the first punch coming. He staggered backwards and disappeared in the middle of a crowd of angry knights.

Reluctantly, Much joined Carter on the pavilion next to James. "How can this be happening?" he whispered. "We were supposed to clear Robin's name."

Carter glanced sidelong at James. The older knight smirked at Robin and his gang, his face filled with contempt. Carter pursed his lips. His hand found the hilt of his sword, and he straightened, his eyes on the crowd at the bottom of the steps.  "Quiet, squire. Just be still."


Carter brushed Much's hand. Robin caught the gesture and glared, but softened when Richard appeared outside the tent.

"Stop this!" the king ordered, striding towards the commotion. "This is not conduct befitting men of your rank!"

The small crowd parted to reveal Legrand on his knees at its centre. His lip was cut, he had several bruises to his face and the emblems of the Royal Guard had been torn from his tunic.

Legrand looked at the king as he rose unsteadily but unaided to his feet, struggling to keep his balance with bound hands. "I...apologise appearance, Your Majesty."

Richard looked at the assembled knights still muttering and casting dark glances at the tall Frenchman. "I am very disappointed, gentlemen. To attack a man who is unable to defend himself, no matter the crimes he is accused of - this is not the standard I expect from my knights!" He turned to his former guard. "I'm sorry this has happened, Legrand."

"As am I, Your Majesty. You know I have always loved you and your mother. That has not changed - and never will."

Richard looked at him sadly. "No, Guillaume," he said quietly. "I can see your heart is no longer mine. You now only love me as your king and not even that, I fear." His eyes found Robin's. "Locksley has indeed bewitched you as he once did me."

"What?" Robin cried.

Legrand frowned. "Robin? Your Majesty, I swear there is nothing but friendship between Robin and me!"

"Don't lie to me, Legrand. Who else could have robbed me of your affections? Did he steal your heart as quickly as he has been stealing my nobles' purses?"

Legrand bit back his answer. He couldn't admit to the king that it was not the noble-turned-outlaw who had claimed his love, but the peasant-outlaw-turned-friend at Robin's side. Richard would never believe it, and even if he should, it would only cause trouble for John, either way.

"Legrand, are you all right?" Djaq looked at him with concern as guards shoved him toward the other outlaws.

"I'm fine, thank you, Djaq. I suspect a few cuts and bruises are going to be the least of my worries."

"Bastards. If I get my hands on them..." John swore.

Legrand sighed. "John - if you thought one of your comrades had tried to kill Robin or betrayed him, what would you do?"

John's thoughts turned to Allan at Gisborne's side and, more distantly, to Roy with a dagger in the dead of night. "You're right. I wouldn't be nearly so gentle."

Much's heart pounded. This was terribly wrong. The king was wrong. He glanced sidelong at Carter who stood straight and indifferent, his face a mask. Surely, his lover knew his own feelings. Much looked around. There were far too many guards, far too many loyal to the king. They would not stand a chance against this crowd. What good would it do if he and Carter were killed now? He had to trust Carter. His eyes met Robin's again, only to find his heart crushed by his former master's angry scowl.

"Your Majesty, these people are innocent. If you must take a life, take mine," Robin implored. "Spare them."

"At last." Richard almost wore a smile and, for one brief moment, Much felt a surge of hope. "That's the Robin I remember. Considering others."

"He is still the Robin you remember," said Djaq.

"Even if others have forgotten him..." John growled with a meaningful glare at Much.

"He saved your life." Legrand searched his sovereign's eyes for one speck of compassion. He knew behind that tough façade there used to be a man who recognized deceit. Had this holy war changed him so much? "Don't you remember that?"

"I cannot grant your wish. You must all be punished. But you once saved my life, and I've not forgotten that. So I'll not take yours. I'll let the desert decide."

"The desert? What does that mean?" Will looked at Djaq. "Decide what?"

James whispered into Richard's ear. Richard threw him a frown and then shrugged.

"Guards!" James shouted. "Take the Saracen woman to my quarters."

"What?" Will shouted. "Djaq! No! No!"

One of the soldiers back-handed Will as two others dragged Djaq away. She struggled with her captors, tearing free from one of the men.

"Will!" she cried out, jerking the other back toward the man she loved. Before she could reach him, powerful arms seized her again. She had no choice but to capitulate, but movement near the king caught her eye. Much swiped his brow nervously, but it was the almost imperceptible nod from Carter that gave her hope.

Robin tried to intervene, but realized that any one of the three swords pressed into his back would definitely end any plan to help his gang escape. "Your Majesty--"

"Be grateful that she survives, Robin."

Much's knees grew weak. His strength deserted him. Forcing back tears, he sucked in a breath and hoped he looked braver than he felt.


The caravan crawled across the scorching sands. Robin and the gang were on foot, struggling with each step as the blinding sun beat down on them. Legrand and John were forced to carry the poles that would bind them to the desert floor and seal their fate before they saw another sunrise.

Soldiers on horseback prodded the outlaws along. Legrand stumbled, the beams slipping from his grasp.

"Legrand," Robin cried, running toward the Frenchman.

An outstretched blade from one of the guards held Robin back. His face was aghast but he turned to the king. "Please--" he croaked, his throat dry from the desert winds.

Richard nodded, his impatience directed at the soldier.

Robin fell to his knees beside Legrand who lay unmoving. His hands bound, he gently touched the knight's face.  "My friend," he said, "this is not the time to rest."

"I am not resting," Legrand whispered, although he still panted from his exertion.


"This is called stalling."

Robin chuckled. "Do you have a plan?" he asked quietly.

"What is it you say, mon ami?" Legrand struggled to smile. "Not even half a plan."

"Is he still alive?" James called.

Robin nodded, his hand outstretched to his companion. "Let me help you up."

Legrand struggled to rise even with Robin's help. "You still wear your armour." Robin grimaced. "Without water this heat will do you in quickly." Robin pulled Legrand to his feet then turned back to king. "Your Majesty, Legrand struggles with this heavy chain mail."

The king sat tall in the saddle. "He claims to be a member of my private guard, does he not? Is it not every knight's wish to go to the next life fully dressed for battle? Consider this--he will not suffer nearly so long as the rest of you."

Shaking his head, Robin helped Legrand pick up the remaining poles. Once Legrand had them balanced across his shoulders, they plodded forward.

The procession finally arrived at the place of execution. Four dark wooden poles stood there, the only colour on the landscape other than yellow sand and blue sky.

John and Legrand dropped the two poles they were each carrying and sank, exhausted, to their knees. They looked with dismay as one of the knights threw two shovels towards them and gestured to the ground in front of the already installed timbers.

"Dig," said the knight.

When neither man moved, the knight drew his sword and held the blade to Will's throat. "Dig."

Robin's gaze shifted from Will to Carter, who appeared indifferent to the proceedings as he alighted from his horse. Robin moved to pick up one of the shovels but another guard stopped him. "You'll get your chance, traitor. We just need to make sure this pair don't get any ideas about breaking free."

John sighed and slowly stood up then offered his hand to Legrand who took it and staggered to his feet.

"Thank you, John."

Much fervently wished Carter had chosen to remain at the camp, but when he accompanied the execution party, Much, as his squire, had no option other than to follow him. He watched as John and Legrand started digging. After a while, he absent-mindedly reached down for his water flask and took a drink. They'd been so long in the Holy Land, it was almost an instinctive movement.

As he put the stopper back in and went to rehang it on his saddle, he noticed John's dark eyes glaring at him. He started guiltily as he realised how callous his actions must look to his former comrades.

"Got everything you need, my Lord?" John's growl was even more pronounced due to his dry throat. "Feed your fat face well here, do they? We found a far better cook ourselves." He nodded in Legrand's direction.

"John..." Will tried to intervene.

Much opened his mouth to respond but he could see Carter glaring at him, begging him to stay silent so he closed it again and stared hard at the back of his horse's neck.

"Fights better and doesn't moan as much either," John muttered.

Much couldn't help himself. "I only hear one person moaning now, badger beard," he retorted.

"Badger...?!" John took a step towards the horses, but the guards stepped in front of him, and he had to content himself with scowling at Much and then returning to his task.

"Much, please," Carter quieted him.

Much went back to staring at his horse, the sky, the other knights, anywhere but at his friends and former master. It suddenly hit him that those might be the last words he ever spoke to John and he swallowed hard, fighting back tears.

By the time the last hole was filled, John and Legrand could barely lift their arms. Robin and Will finished the work as the guards secured John and Legrand to the older, sturdier set of poles further back. When Will and Robin were done, they were tied to the newer poles in front.

Richard dismounted and walked over to face them all.

"This is the same as execution," Will said, not caring he was speaking to his king.

"Yes, but if God wills it, there is always a chance." Richard turned back to Robin. "I'll not remember you this way, Robin. I'll remember you as the hero who once saved my life."

"And I'll remember you as the king who spent too long at war. It's clouded your judgement. You've forgotten your people back home."

"You're right. It is time to stop this fighting. I'm meeting Saladin today. I will make peace with him and then I will go home to England."

"Good. At least my friends and I will have achieved something."

Richard's stern gaze shifted from Robin to Legrand, who was tied to the poles directly behind him.

As if feeling his king's eyes upon him, Legrand briefly held his head up. He said nothing and his eyes dropped away before his head followed.

Even though he had scorned it, Richard had grown so used to seeing Legrand's love for him in his eyes for so many years now, its complete absence shocked him slightly. He turned sadly away, remounted his horse and bid them all a final farewell.


Much forced himself to look at Robin. The revulsion on Robin's face gave off as much heat as that rising from the desert sands. Much never felt more helpless. If he showed his true feelings he'd find himself tied up with his friends. He understood that, but it broke his heart to think that Robin doubted him.

Carter stood off to one side, detached and unemotional, his own thoughts cloaked. He couldn't bring himself to look at Much again - he didn't need to in order to feel the pain that no one else could see. With one fleeting glimpse of sadness, he turned and followed his king, leaving his friends to their fate...


Allan, oh Allan... why are you helping Vaizey? Chapter 62 this way...

denier: teamlavender, fic, denial - fic, roundrobin2009

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