Title: Denial, Chapter 19: I Never...
darkentwisted Characters/Pairings: Carter/Much/OC
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst, Explicit Slash.
Words: 3,320
Disclaimer: BBC & TA own; we just want to play in their universe
Notes: This continues the 'Round-Robin' fic 'Denial' and is set during "Walkabout"
Betaed by the incredible
robinfanatic and
wastingyourgumSummary: Carter and Much plan
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Comments 9
Carter is such a tart - tee hee! Looks like all the nice boys like a sailor!
Much is far too generous! Although I think he gets rewarded for it ;)
Here's to men in uniforms! yummie! :)
*goes and has another cold shower*
*remembers Legrand in policeman's uniform*
*remembers John and Roy in the army*
I can think of severalthings I could do if finding myself with Legrand in a police uniform...dying isn't one of them but if I did it would take a lot of effort to get the smile off my face.
"All the more reason to commune with them," Brooks grinned as he palmed the neck of the bottle into the squires hand.
Brooks is a wonderful addition to the story. A little, er, wild... uninhibited... Poor Much!
And if anyone ever thought Carter was a sweet angelic young man (okay, so he tried to commit murder in 2x08), well, this definitely ought to set 'em straight.
Brooks obviously has a romantic side, too. His letter at the end is absolutely FTW!
And your product warning is hilarious, m'dear!
"Robin always came first," *snort* bet he did
great chapter!
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