Dec 01, 2006 14:38
check this out!
Yesterday, a co-worker and i were on an errand when this Jeep cuts us off. Then, the Jeep goes around the other vehicle. So, the three cars are in the left lane and this Jeep (still speeding) turns on the corner real fast and flips over!! right in front of us. we park at that same corner because coincidentally that's where we were headed. the Jeep flips over like 4 times and lands upside down. my friend calls 9-1-1 and i forced open the door and help the lady out. she is inside the Jeep basically lying on the roof. no visible injuries. no blood. she was the only one in the car. she was in shock. she mentioned to me that she was 4 months pregnant. i help her out of the car. she had just left her husband (not permanently. i think they had just met for lunch or something) and was on her way to work.
The police take our statement and info and we walked inside the building of our errand. people inside were like "did u see the accident?" and we were like "duh! we helped lady out". so, yea that was cool.
oh yea...don't cut off people at a high rate of speed.