Not trying to offend my Gaga fan friends, but...

Sep 20, 2010 20:32

Last night, I went with my wife and a friend of ours to see Lady Gaga in concert.  I have to admit that I've been a bit of a closet Gaga fan.  I don't listen to her music on an everyday basis in normal life or anything, but I do listen to her every time I run.  Her songs generally have great beats that keep my feet moving when I'm flagging.

Having said that, after last night's concert, I cannot say that I am a Lady Gaga fan.  As a matter of fact, I'd even go so far as to say that my opinion of her has an artist has dipped significantly.  Let me interject here to say that I am in no way asking my friends who are Lady Gaga fans not to post about her, nor am I making any value judgements about those who are big Gaga fans.  What I am saying is that I am much less than impressed with her.

First, so that you know that I've given this some thought before coming to judgement, let me list the good things about Lady Gaga that make me want to like her as an artist:

1.  She writes her own material.  It's obvious that she writes her own material, and if you get past the pop beats and screaming teen fans, a lot of it is actually really good.  She played a couple of her new songs in a blues-y ballad format last night, and the lyrics really popped in that setting.  There is no doubt that she's got real talent as a songwriter.

2.  She actually PLAYS music, rather than just singing it.  Don't get me wrong, a well-developed voice is a beautiful instrument.  However, I have a bias in favor of singers who actually play other instruments.

3.  She doesn't lipsync.  That may not seem like a big deal, but in this era of pop princesses who don't and admittedly long touring engagements that tax even the best singers, it is a really big deal.

4.  She's obviously very loyal.  The group that opened for her was technically good at their form of music, but their form of music is one that the general US audience considers to be crap.  She continues to use them, however, because they came up with her in the New York music scene and helped her navigate those treacherous waters.

These are all good things, but after seeing Gaga live, I just can't overcome one fact:  her form of entertainment is the crassest, most base form of entertainment.  Given the option, she seems to choose shock value at every turn.  Don't get me wrong, shock entertainment has it's place.  That place is generally in the side-show tent at a low-rent circus.  It's a cheap and easy thrill.  Truly great artists and performers don't need to use shock to get their message across.  They use more subtle forms of expression that force the audience to think and to come to realizations that can lead to enlightenment.  They use their talents like a hand gently pushing aside soil to plant a seed that can flourish and grow in a landscape that's been prepared for that purpose.  Shock is more like a spade tearing aside unprepared soil to implant an unfamiliar tree already full-grown.  It is the chosen tool of people like Andres Serrano and Howard Stern.  Definitely not the company I'd want to keep as an artist.

Anyway, that's my beef with Lady Gaga.  Even though I know I shouldn't be, that I should have seen it coming, I find myself disappointed with her.  I understand that many of you really like her, and I respect that and have no wish to force my beliefs on you.  I just wanted to express my opinion.

lady gaga

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