Aug 26, 2002 06:16
Just as an update first: My ex Daniel that I mentioned last, got his test results and they are perfectly fine. I called him the next night and heard the incredible good news. The funny story is that he was on the radio when I called him, so some Memphis station heard our conversation!! oops! Last night I talked to my most recent ex., Richard. He got online and we talked for a few minutes, and then he had to leave but told me that he would call me when he got home. I really didnt expect to get a call from him, but at about 9 (I guess) he called. We ended up talking for a rather long time. It was kind of awkward, but then again at points it was just like old times. I did however realize that I dont miss him, well not as a boyfriend that is. I kind of missed the person that he is, but then at points I was like...ok nevermind!! I came to realize something last night though, when we broke up, I became much stronger. Instead of getting sad and crying for days, I just got mad. Richard got mad at the fact that I went to my friend Will's house within 15 minutes of the time we broke up. I told him that he could get over himself because I was no longer his, and even if I was it wouldnt have mattered. Guys have been in and out of my life, some affecting my life in tremendous ways, some just affecting it in a little. All of them have taught me something, or added to the person I am today. So I figure that if I go through all these bad guys, that when I find "the one" he will like what I have become! But then again the could just be me over analyzing things like I ALWAYS do! (Psychiatrist traits) I would love to stay and babble on more, but I have to go to much fun! (not)