Mar 15, 2002 20:53
At school today this chick told me that she wanted to fight my friend and I. I really thought it was some stupid stuff that she wanted to fight over so I just decided to go to Pensacola to look at prom dresses with Audra. We took wo seperate cars though cause she had to be at work. She was in one lane and I was in another...the car in front of me slamed on his/her brakes, I slammed on mine, and then the car behind me slammed on theirs, but not soon enough cause they hit me. The first wreck that I have ever been in, and boy did it ever suck. We both pulled over (Audra had to go and turn around to come back)...I was shakin so bad just cause I was scared to look at my car. They got out to, and Audra pulled up and then it all started. Audra and the chick in the car started screamin at each other. It was not cool. now my cute little car has to go get estimates. Then to top things off, someone at my school is already wearing the prom dress that I have liked for months now. It has just been a terrible day.