10/26 HotFix and Dev updates

Oct 26, 2007 08:13

HotFix 10/26

Fix for crash in Ashen Desert if you die.
Fix for control points that sometimes stop working.
Fix for some players being unable to login.

Hotfixes will be applied during the maintenance window.

Veteran rewards program
site news link

You’ve shown dedicated service to the AFS Soldier, and here in the AFS, we take good care of our veterans. That is why we are introducing the Tabula Rasa Veteran Awards Program!

For each increment of three months with an active account*, AFS recruits will unlock exclusive in-game content and items such as emotes, gear, crafting schematics, titles, pets and more! Players will also receive a special 1 Month Reward (see below). This program will start at launch on November 2nd, 2007.

Veteran rewards will be announced regularly Soldiers, so be certain to check back here for updates.

If you have questions about the Tabula Rasa Veteran Award Program, please see our Frequently Asked Questions page.

1 Month Reward

Access to the following character emotes:

• /jumpforjoy
• /defeat
• /stomp

*Active account time includes 1. the free month of game time included with the game, 2. free trial time, and 3. payments by credit card or game time card. Payments by credit card or game time card only include the paid time already incurred, not future time.

Each veteran reward is available to you for so long as your applicable account is current. If your Account goes unpaid, you stop payment or your account is terminated for any reason, then access to the foregoing games and items will no longer be usable by the account until it is reactivated. Your use of the software for each game and your game play remains strictly subject to the User Agreement, Rules of Conduct and Copyright/Ownership Policy applicable to the game, as each may be amended or modified by NC Interactive at any time in its sole discretion.

And CuppaJo added this in a beta forum post...
relax. You think I would let them just give you emotes? That's just the one month reward. They will be cooler the longer you serve in the AFS.

Message from General British
Gangrel's forum link

(Just remember, we currently have to assume that he has been compromised... :3 )
Attention All AFS Recruits,

General British here. It’s a very exciting time for everyone here on the Tabula Rasa Dev Team as we approach launch, and I wanted to extend a personal thank you for playing in the Tabula Rasa beta. Your feedback has been essential in molding Tabula Rasa into the game it is today. Many changes have been made to the game over the past weeks, so those of you who haven’t played in a while might want to dust off your AFS issue rifle and head into the field for the last few days of beta testing. We will be having our End of Beta Event on Friday, October 26, 2007 starting at 10 pm CST and I challenge each and every one of you to get in game and try to “Kill General British”. The event will end at midnight CST and our servers will be brought down to prepare for release. Everyone who participates in the End of Beta event will receive a special emote in November to thank you for all you have done to make Tabula Rasa great.

For those of you who have already purchased the preorder bonus pack for Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa, we look forward to seeing you back in game on October 30, 2007 for your three day head start. During this time, all players who log in with their preorder account will be able to participate in our Halloween event on October 31st. At that time, you will be able to run special Halloween missions and receive exclusive Halloween masks and a “Trick or Treat” Emote as a treat from the Dev Team. If you haven’t purchased your Tabula Rasa Pre-order, you can still get one at your local game store or via the PlayNC.com store.

The development team is happy to announce some exciting ongoing improvements are on the horizon for Tabula Rasa. In the upcoming months, new content will be released in updates that we are calling “Operations”. Some of the things players can look forward to in these Operations are the addition of Military Surplus (Tabula Rasa’s Auction House), Personal Armor Units (vehicles of a sort), enhancements to Tabula Rasa’s PvP system, and the results of top secret AFS genetic engineering efforts with the addition of playable hybrid races to the game.

I hope to see all of you in game in the days leading up the End of Beta Event and look forward to fighting alongside you on the 30th, when the servers come back up for the Pre-order head start. And on November 2, 2007 when Tabula Rasa goes live, we will have a clean slate, and a chance to battle the Bane together and re-write the future of mankind.


Richard “General British” Garriott

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