(no subject)

May 15, 2005 11:51

--- UNIQUE----

1. Nervous Habits: Playing with car keys.. also a boredom habit, and running my hands through my hair a lot.. also a stressed out habit..

2. Are you double jointed: I donno

3. Can you roll your tongue: Sure

4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: Not sure

5. Can you blow spit bubbles: If I so wished

6. Can you cross your eyes: No

7. Tattoos: Nope

8. Piercings: The normal 2 ear holes

9. Do you make your bed daily: Uhh, no, but I'm supposed to

10. Which shoe goes on first: Which ever foot makes it to the shoe first?

11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone: Yes

12. On the average, how much money do you carry: Umm, it depends when I first get money I tend to have a lot, and byt the end of the week it could be nothing, or $20..

13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? I use to wear my dragon necklace until A piece fell off, and my "balls" until billy broke them.. which sounds extremely wrong, but yeah..

14. Favorite piece of clothing: Err.. my new tan Element pants, they are very very comfortable..(my green pants used to be, but they have holes, and paint stains) and my clash t-shirt.

-- FOOD --
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: Twirl

16. Have you ever eaten Spam: Don't think so

17. Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate chip cookie dough

18. How many cereals in your cabinet: No clue, I only rarely eat it

19. What's your favorite beverage: Pepsi

20. What's your favorite restaurant: Hmm.. I always used to love it, but I havent been there in a long time.. but Remingtons I guess.. I like Cracker Barrel too.. their store is fun to be in.

21. Do you cook: I have to if I dont always want to do the dishes..

22. How often do you brush your teeth: When I get up & go to bed most of the time

23. Hair drying method: It's called a car window..

25. Do you swear: Around my friends all the time.. surprisingly I have slipped at my house.. although I got in trouble for saying crap on hte phone the other day..

26. Do you ever spit: When it is neccissary

27. Do you bite your nails: sometimes, but I dont damage my nails..

28. Do you say grace before you eat: What?

29. Animal: Horse or Dragon? Actually.. Horse

30. Food: Pizza!

31. Month: November

32. Day: Friday the 13th.. or the last day of school.. oh wait, it was both for the seniors.. haha I like that

33. Cartoon: Umm, scooby doo.. garfield.. I donno.. I never watch them.. actually south park I think..

32. Shoe Brand: Vans.. my new DC shoes are comfortable though

34. Subject in school: Art

35. Color(s): Black and Silver.. If those arn't an option then green

35. Sport(s): Riding horses count?

37. TV show(s): When I do watch it, I just look for anything interesting.. I don't know..

38. Thing to do in the spring: Drive places (barn)

39. Thing to do in the summer?: Go to a college in Missouri.. get a job (won't be much fun though..

40. Thing to do in the fall?: I will agree with Renae on going to school dressed for halloween I think..

41. Thing to do in the winter: I donno

42. In the CD player: At the moment it is Green Day.. soon, as soon as I talk to my frineds brother, I will get the new SOAD cd as a file, and burn it to a cd, and be listneing to that..

43. Person you talk most on the phone with: I dont talk on the phone, and when I do it doesnt last over 5 min..

45. Window seat or aisle: Window

-- LA LA LAND --
46. What's your sleeping position: Not sure.. what ever is comfortable at te moment..

47. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket: Yes, I cant sleep without one very well..

48. Do you snore: Not sure

49. Do you sleepwalk: Used to

50. Do you talk in your sleep: Used to

51. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No

52. How about with the light on: Has to be pitch black in my room

53. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on: either, but I dont, becase I wont wake up to my alarm if I do.

54. Last interesting person you met: Uhh, probably all the people I met last night

yeah, so I just woke up a few minutes ago.. I'm hungry.. someone should call me if they want to do anything today.. well, I really should work on my essays..
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