Don't cry for me Argentina

Dec 20, 2006 19:54

Greetings everyone from beyond the grave!

=o Or perhaps from beyond America.

Well, Pau and I have been in Argentina for about a week now, Yay! It's fun, but not too eventful yet--which is absolutely wonderful. Next week, we'll be busy as crap since Christmas is coming and all. We've mostly just been chillaxing at home and visiting friends. So that's really nice. >3 I wake up at noon, and go to bed at whatever hour I damn well please! It's like I live in a college dorm, but with a functioning bathroom and a small washing machine =D. There's also no food--so I feel even more like I live in a dorm. My Father isn't used to having us in the house--so he forgets that we need to be fed from time to time. >____> The only edible thing I've found is an opened package of these cookie-type things that expired a couple months ago. I honestly don't want to know how long they've been in the cabinets.

=/ I'm sorry we didn't really see anyone before we left. Pau and I were super busy. >< Man, I ended up turning in one of my projects while we were on our way to the airport. It paid off though, cuz I aced the class *does the I are smart dance* XD.

Fliper and my Mom get here tomorrow--which is nice. The house will be less empty and we'll probably be going out and about quite a bit more.

I have plans to go and visit the Japanese Gardens with my aunt later on in the week, and I'm also going to get my hair cut on Friday. >___>;;; Maru wants to take us to a club called Liquid on Friday night also... I'm not too eager to go, but apparently we promised her last year. Stupid expectations for a new year )8< *shakes fist*. Ah well... and now I'm off to perform some mindless repetitive tasks. Yay!

How is everyone in the good ol' U.S. of A?
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