Geographical Links for Locales

Mar 06, 2008 10:23

Hello, here is a first attempt at an RGL discussion. In future I want to ask you whether certain locales actually exist in practice.

However, for our first thrilling topic: the question of geographical links between Locale pages. Because, you know, it's all very well to be looking at the entry for Bermondsey, but what if you want to then look at the surrounding areas? Or if you're looking at SE15, you want to see what other postcodes it borders and then click on them and see what's there.

With that in mind, I was putting all that in, but just writing it out in text (see the SE15 entry), which meant it was getting very boring and not really very user-friendly. Therefore, myself and nou have trialled a few different options, which I present for comment.

1. Bulleted List

The most basic way of displaying the information. Sort of boring, and not very attractive.

2. Bordered Box

A nice little box with links in clockwise order around the compass. I quite like this one, keeps it separated from the text, though personally I might put this at the bottom of the page, but I don't know: what do you think?

3. Compass Directions

Puts the directions in a grid to the side of the page, but does not allow links to named areas, just the postcodes. Also, this wouldn't be quite as easy to implement for area Locales (i.e. where there will be more text).

Anyway, thoughts and comments welcomed. Or if you can think of even better ways of doing the same thing!
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