Jun 13, 2003 20:20
The most distressing thing I'm discovering about Sunnydale is that in such a small town, there are such a limited number of places to go that people of my age are made to mingle with a much younger set more of the time than I really feel comfortable doing. After hearing 'Isn't that Mr Giles the librarian?' for about the fifth time on the last occasion I visited the Espresso Pump, I almost vowed never to stop there again, until I noticed a number of the patrons were not quite as... usual... as some of the rest.
This bothers me. One can warn people about strangers, and muggers that go bump in the night, but how can one tell a group of otherwise care free high school students to beware of the vampires? Now, I suppose, as punishment for my sins, I usually go in every night after dark an dsip a cappucino or two while I try to catch up on my reading. Watching.
That is what I'm supposed to be doing, although the sheer inaction involved is beginning to grate unmercifully.