"Diablo 3" treatment system announced

Sep 13, 2010 17:34

Diablo 3, the value of your life (your life hero of the remaining energy) is a blood red from the bottom of the screen indicated the ball, burning hell when the influx of evil against you in the Avatar (metaplasia, that is your hero), this life will be lost the ball in the liquid, if it is attacked it from the fragile skeleton warriors sword, the value of the loss of life was slower, but if that sharp attack from the ruthless pawns of the devil, you Rapid loss of life and values.

The life of the ball as long as you have a little fluid in there, you will not die, but if a drop of liquid has gone, your life will end.

"Diablo 3" in the life of the system design goal is to give you quick response, constantly rushed the next battle. When a hero against the evil Legion Burning Hell, we do not want to see him continue to run away from the battlefield to restore strength. In order to avoid the terrible death, you will have a variety of ways to keep your strength.

You can find or buy pharmaceutical life, but they are relatively rare, and cool-down time constraints, in combat, you can quickly use a continuous pharmacy.

You may have a vocational skills to help you recover the value of life, but life skills are dedicated return, you must be careful to use these skills because these skills often bring other consequences.

Pharmacy and skills can be a significant increase in the value of your life, but in order to survive a large number of battle, you must also rely on a more reliable and more sustainable recovery method.

This is the blood, down from the devil by your body, showing dark red ball, floating in the air. The blood is in your Diablo 3 ways to restore the core values of life, and other treatments play a supporting role. When you pick up a blood, you and your teammates will be the life value to return a fixed percentage, this percentage depends on what you pick up the blood types.

Every time you kill a "normal" enemies, whether violent demon, or crazy dark believers, it is likely an inefficient blood occur, but not 100% chance. Although compared to other types of blood cells, blood cells appear more frequently weak effect, but weak effect restore the life blood the percentage of the value of the minimum.

When you fight more powerful monsters such as "rare" and "Champion" Monster, when they dropped to a certain percentage of the value of life, or when their defense is stripped, you may see these monsters before killing medium blood. Medium to restore life and value of blood though a considerable percentage, but in the battle with these powerful enemies, in order to survive, you must rely on other ways of life to resume.

Big Boss's right with the war, the blood of the use of its own characteristics. Boss of the war in every game, we have custom designed a special method of blood fall. For example, in a battle, you may choose to risk weakening the Boss, then kill those who are less dangerous but unpleasant woven LA, to get enough blood to survive. In another battle, when the Boss is injured, it may drop its own blood. You may have to fight to find hidden blood.

Blood makes the Diablo 3's combat more strategic, so you must be lightning in the battle to think rationally into battle without the game will add unnecessary complexity. When you are injured in order to avoid further injury, attack from the enemy in the distance, when a blood drop, how would you do? You will receive your wand up and rushed to go pick it? Even if you have to stand the test of the Fallen, you will do this? Perhaps you would care to return to, to await the emergence of a breakthrough, and thus from their flooded by the enemy. When you face an enemy cluster, you can kill them quickly enough weak, allowing a large number of blood on the battlefield it? You can at the right time the right to bear risk?

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