Your WoW history of how? Players of the historical memory

May 31, 2010 17:48

Some of us appear in WOW just when she has become obsessed. And, like me, most people have indulged in the long years in the post-shaking and subsequently AFK. Other players may have just added to the game to. Quick look at the history of his account of the recharge, it will tell you how much this player can not do without WOW (or has left for a long time!).

For me personally, to review their credit on record brought back memories of WOW process bit by bit, but also reminds me of those who succeed leave me a short World of Warcraft and other games (laughs).

This chart shows the World of Warcraft on my 2004 all the overhead. My journey began in WOW on Nov. 28, 2004, in the first group of adventurers into Azeroth after 5 days. At that time, I spent a whole year and a half (of course not refer to / played time, but the actual time) to rise to 60. I guess it must be considered is an incredible recreation of the leveling speed - but yes, that age thing is so simple and relaxing. My first paragraph of the top-record until March 14, 2007. In Azeroth fighting the two and a half later, I found myself changed by some other things to pursue, which include a game called EVE. These things distract me so I AFK a year and a half, until Sept. 16, 2008.

I do not remember clearly can not explain my first return to WOW. Oh, did not last long, fully representative of the return of the monthly card goes on, my career again WOW empty for some time. Maybe that time I was a new game called Warhammer Online has attracted, then it is considered to be comparable to the excellent work and WOW, but the final proved to be only a pile of garbage ... so in May 18, 2009, I once again but not the last time back in Azeroth. Has four consecutive top-month card that I was able to own a small German and dead ride all they got 80 and got decent equipment, of course, are in the September 23, 2009 things in the past, I was a game called Global Agenda carried away TT

March 2, 2010, records show recharge my last return. I recently spent two months to fully armed my role, so that you can partner with the Association together I get through 10 difficult ICC. If there's anything I can to make the story more complete WOW, that is, 5 years ago I had my first WOW role in the establishment of a Night Elf hunter, to serve to my server now, he got to the point I will 80 (in the past few years he has been my cold, stay in the 60).

That is all I as an ordinary course of WOW players recharge caused by small memories and stories about you?

Some players back:

Poxus: I told you about, but I just opened when the service started to play. I AFK for some other games before, but in the end always as WOW is the game on MMOrpg interpretation of the fact that the highest return.

Radium: I can not see me in this game to spend a number of US-knife ^ ^

Zalvi24: Basically I was in the backwards and forwards the transfer service, frequent playing tribal alliance has to play back, I too drift


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