Crazy cool Troll Hunter

May 18, 2010 14:12

Zala in time for the rain on this land before the dirty, Beierdike pushed the hotel's doors, the loud noise attracted the attention of a curious, in this bad season, in a cup of cheap beer hall pass time farmers and salesmen are always particularly crowded.

No hurry to find a location, our hero had thrust his great body a full two meters high, 11 In the case of landed on him in the eye. Most of these no knowledge of the farmer, and his eye on the panic to not drive a head, could not help but secretly see the glances. A broad knowledge of several businessmen, looked at him frankly, one of which is also distant to give the next glass. Of course, You Jidao eyes less obvious response in the perceived Beierdike taken back quickly after.

After looking around for almost a week, he steps across the wide open, not a few have reached the humble bar before. The bartender is standing inside a face Hengrou the Han, but around the funny dirty apron, of medium build, but the face is like a dwarf in Beierdike.

"A room?"

Usually in this country inn, the boss is several roles, including modulation wine naturally this work.

Bartender eyes narrowed, brow then a few dark-instantaneous emission, such as trench wrinkles.

This expression, is too familiar to the Beierdike, disgust, doubt, there is the fear caused by ignorance.

"We have a lot of room," the landlord said as he rubbed with more than the necessary strength glass with wood, "but no one is prepared for the Devil Hunter!"

Beierdike no change in expression, such as the attitude of others and make things difficult for long accustomed to cold.

"8 rappelz gold." Numerous pockets of his wallet in a pocket and took out eight golden rappelz gold, a few sitting in the bar drinkers can not help staring. It was not a very big money, but for a hotel room for the village, not small.

"Your ears with your eyes just as bad ghost, I said no room!" Bosses do not eat this one.

Remained expressionless, Gabriel Knight and then pocket the two currencies, according to the bar.

The boss seems to want to say something, but when he found the last two gold coins have been embedded itself in a solid wood on the bar, the timely and closed his mouth.

"There!" He violently towards the old carpet in front of a fireplace that, "where you can pose with your knees that night somehow."

Beierdike slowly place the nod, which was then taking the steps.

Is not toward his so-called "room" went.

He told the waitress for a cup of students like lees mixing water blending of local beer, drinking and card thin to take the time to read the bulletin board, in the note away and tore off two, he sat down cross-legged before the hearth.

Before long, he points to the chicken sandwiches, vegetables do a complete mess, the waiter smelled the body than cheap perfume worse, but it does not care to eat Beierdike down, not a word wasted.

He was waiting, waiting for those behind him who epee and terrible wounds of deep interest to those who can not help peeping peeping.

The first door, but only a half-full glass, and is directed at his forehead thrown over the glass.

Devil Hunter quietly held out his hand, just enough to catch the glass, not even the slightest sprinkle a bubble, and then his head and beer are all coming down the throat.

"Thank you, my cup of rich than more." He said without looking back.

Did not respond.

Beierdike out if nothing had happened behind the epee, with a thin waist pulled out a piece of cloth rubbed together.

Until the hotel in an atmosphere of tension dissipated, the vulgar talk and laugh sounded again, this time around to Gabriel Knight is a bit on the older drug business - is what he has just to Beierdike raised his glass.

"Mind if I ask you to drink you, Gabriel Knight?"

"Of course not, but remember to go to the water station to add more than a little wine." Beierdike put away the sword, with the businessman walked toward the corner of the table.

"I refused." Devil Hunter said quietly.

Pharmaceutical companies are the face of alcohol in a flash red became livid.

"I did not even finish!" He said angrily complained, "you have to give up?"

"There is an adult dragon entrenched in herbs you go to the forest, if you just want me to kill it, no problem. But I can guess almost immediately, you want is not so simple."

The face becomes more ugly business, but did not say anything to refute.

"I noticed that you and a few other herbal body full of flavor does not sit with their counterparts, but far in the other side of the drink alone; the same time I'm also aware dragon creatures living in swamps, forests environment does not suit them; more, I can tell you who the smell is what, in addition to wine rancid odor, only a woman's cheap perfume and celandine, myrtle petals and the smell of the crow eyes . you are isolated, I do not know why, but it is clear that the way in the implementation of your mission, I may not do on human hands. "

"So what?"

"Gabriel Knight rules, the most important thing is just to kill strange creatures, do not kill people - unless the other side to attack first."

Pharmacists uttered a short sinister smile, his face could not help revealing sarcastic smile, but immediately turned into an artificial sad.

"Absurd I do not believe that the reason you have been for several years, you walk in those between urban and rural humanoid beast in the end how many people swallowed long ago can not clear the number, and now they tell me not want to kill you ?! "he outrightly beckoned," 300 Oren, and I want other end in the verbena Bidens jump between the animals to pasture for my medicine point of fertilizer more than Tim, but also those who gave me came up with this by the point of breaking things asshole lessons - and I can not grab all the best business! "

No other Beierdike answer, he suddenly stood up side, exclaimed: "I'm glad you took on this task, Devil Hunter, I'll give you the good news." Approximately 100 rappelz gold one with the wallet was lost In the wine on the table, and its owner, ran out of the hotel is Maozhaodayu.

Silence suddenly spread them in the hall, no need to carefully feel Beierdike to notice those who cast their eyes upon the danger.

"Now I've a start bit angry." He muttered.

The rain stopped in the middle of the night, spreading the air with an odor of fresh air in mud, but mixed with the distant roar of the beast, it sounds exceptionally in the dark.

Gabriel Knight kneeling in front of the fireplace, fully equipped body, was seen as strange as the eyes of reptiles have closed up, breathing deep and even.

Adds no firewood oven, the fire soon went out, only the paragraphs not burn charcoal black rot also with red stripes, gives off little heat.

Already in April, and cold weather do not seem to be parting any mortal means, only wearing a linen suit and leather jacket but did not reveal Beierdike signs of cold.

A cold little hand suddenly ask on his face.

"Your skin is really warm." Cosmetics smell a trace of the voice into the ears of Gabriel Knight.

He wore leather gloves, left hand holding her naughty fingers, then turned and looked at her feet.

"Having two jobs is the custom here?" Beierdike worked on goes on the face of his client to dinner, said, while also carefully observing the thick makeup on her face.

Students face passing waitress disgust, shame, anger and faint no escape Gabriel Knight's eyes, but her mouth is another thing to say: "I am only for those worthy of my sacrifice themselves. "she said, will depend upon the body towards Beierdike.

He gently pushed her.

In the thick darkness, Gabriel Knight variation eyes can clearly aware of her brow twisted puzzled.

"Off." He whispered with a tone of doubt gave orders, always upright pupil suddenly expanded into a black moon, cruising in the hall.

She breathed quietly vomited tone, with a somewhat contrived reluctantly, and slowly took off his clothes.

Cloth covering the body in the fall to the floor, the Beierdike not surprised to hear that she screamed loudly.

Moment, the silent hall suddenly lit the fire, those hiding in the corner of many of the figure are all yelling to drill out the hands in addition to the torch, there is already the sheath of the dagger dagger, or wood for holding the ax.

"Devil Hunter!" A farmer in the group shouted suddenly, his face tense and white because only the bright red of rosacea is still colorful, "You die without sons the geek girl dare start with us!"

Beierdike waitress left the second floor of Health and snatched his clothes and fled, his eyes always search for her smooth back, until the figure disappeared in the staircase and ceiling junction.

"Kill him!" Soon as the crowd came behind with a cry of command means, led to an echo, in the Gabriel Knight also tightened the siege side lap, but those clothes were tattered villain and rogue but invariably stop the attack on his sword outside.

Although he did not even spare weapons.

The situation became tense, Beierdike but leisurely scratched his chin from the left face, spreading to a large section scars, lay it opened its mouth: "take me to your head," he said towards the crowd after someone , "so that you can for him to stay a few thugs, but also asked me to drink a glass half full is your sense of authentic beer garlic bad breath."

Feedback, but just soon as irascible reproach.

As if by the command, who remain in the Gabriel Knight step outside the farmers suddenly surrounded them and tried to extract weapons in Beierdike finely chopped pieces of meat before him.

However, still a bit late.

When that to hide the steel sword scabbard was liberated, the iron meteorite caused the blade under the reflection of firelight reflected in a deadly Pak Mong, crisp sound of metal impact, Gabriel Knight full body muscle Jingzhuang With Choujian of castration lacking natural cleavable an arc with a breath of death, the harvest of two ax heads, a few fresh takes her hand and a grim expression in the head before slaughter.

This is Piluaite, is Gabriel Knight's ornate sword dance in the shape of the first one eagle, and when they take the first step, to stop them, they just die - whether belonging to other people or their .

Jian Shi deficiencies, Beierdike forward a cross, two-handed counter, and having drawn his sword, cut the two rogue's throat, spattering blood out of his face contracted, the Devil Hunter that like people become more terrible inhuman face.

Stride of a collection, he took his sword from the forward turning around, while behind the left elbow to the top to severely. Joints will be hit hard nose play recessed head of its owner. Dropped the weapon, the unfortunate villain or lying on the ground with loud screams, his hands clutching his wound roll straight.

Easily, the encirclement was hit a gap, but the bigger the gap, but in the hearts of these thugs, I rush to go from the drain, is fear.

Continue to cross with his staggering pace, Beierdike reached the mouthful of a small head of garlic flavor next to his waist in time out a knife before he played down the long flight of wine on the table, and then sword fiercely nail in his crotch slightly before the desktop.

He was surrounded again, only this time, thugs who stand farther.

"So now, we should be able to calmly talk about the." Devil Hunter said of his hostage, then suddenly uprooted heavy sword then inserted, the blade in the head of the screams of small Folks to has been pierced by inserting the desktop.

Beierdike suddenly smiled.

"Damn, you actually have the urine inside the damn garlic flavor!"

This unfinished. . . There are more articles coming soon.

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