Feb 09, 2006 20:18
A word on the fanatic violence of the Muslim people.
The cartoon riot death toll in Afganistan has reached 12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that is the only country so far with any fatalities. These riots have been ongoing for over a week, and are spread across the entire Mid-East and now into Africa.
The '92 Rodney King riots killed 54 in six days.
Detriot, '67, killed 43 in five days.
The '65 Watts riots, LA again, killed 34, also in six days.
Zoot Suit Riots, '43, LA again - death toll unknown, but it includes Mexican Americans burned in the streets by U.S. servicemen.
But the champion - New York City, 1863 Draft Riots, four days, north of 100 dead.
...Yes, indeed, these Islamic fundamentalist wackos need to be kept in check. And when I say that, I really mean it - I just mean there aren't so many Islamic fundamentalist wackos as many would make out. In fact, when the entire Islamic world can't even drum up as much violence over the five months since those cartoons were first published as a single American city can drum up over the weekend... well, there just may be hope for them afterall.