Title :: Renderings
Prompt :: February 25th, “Tinder ablaze” [
Characters :: Ashura, Kujaku
Rating :: PG
Warnings :: Spoilers; set during the very end of the series.
Wordcount :: 110
Summary :: Sometimes good intentions cannot be escaped, in the end.
he can feel sunlight on his face, burning at his eyes like fire even from behind still-closed lids)
Title :: Clockworks
Prompt :: March 7th, “I’ll undo what heredity’s done to you” [
Characters :: Kujaku, mentions of Ashura
Rating :: PG
Warnings :: Allusions to spoilers.
Wordcount :: 155
Summary :: He does not fear the movements of the stars; instead fears only for them to stop, immutable and immovable and far beyond the reach of his hands.
There is a relief to it, to watch, to see, to expand your consciousness outward rather than in.)
Title :: Hourglass
Prompt :: March 12th, “blind man for a watchdog” [
Characters :: Kujaku, mentions of Ashura
Rating :: PG
Warnings :: Allusions to end of series spoilers.
Wordcount :: 175
Summary :: His skin felt like glass walls, a gilt cage; something from which you can see out but never break free.
No matter how much his words helped to shape this world, he knew it would never be his own, and he would never walk it.)
Title :: Constellate
Prompt :: March 24th, “a vein of stars calling out my name” [
Characters :: Kujaku
Warnings :: Allusions to end of series spoilers.
Rating :: PG
Wordcount :: 175
Summary :: It is an intricate thing, an endless network of chains and threads and ties, a wheel of veins that pulsates with blood and possibilities and life.
He can see the flares, can see the way these destinies intertwine and illuminate one another, both infused and infected with hope, all as clearly as if they reached out and touched his own hands.)