A decade after finishing college, where I took most of a computer science track before finishing with an electrical & computer engineering degree, I'm now picking up some books on topics I feel like didn't I learn enough about back then, or topics I learned but feel like I should review in a new light. I figure having a decade of experience (and
O'Reilly books) should give me a perspective I didn't have back in school. I'm trying to pick the classic or canonical books on the topics.
So far I've ordered these, via
Abe Books:
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (Abelson & Sussman)
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (Aho, Sethi, & Ullman)
Database Management Systems (Ramakrishnan & Gehrke)
Of course, I'm also feeling like I should catch up with the kids who went to school after
the age of Java began, so
Learning Java is in the pile too. That's in addition to other books that are more directly relevant to what I do every day.
Not that I'll have time to really study all this, especially now that spring is here and I want to go out and play, but it can't hurt to occasionally read bits here and there.