Preserving Flat Spaces

Aug 11, 2004 00:20

It's impossible to keep any flat space in my study free of papers for longer than a few days. At times it gets ridiculous.

When I replaced my CRT with an LCD monitor last year, I was excited to gain a lot of space on my desk. But now all that space is filled with papers and other oddments. No more empty space there.

Whenever I have my laptop docked and closed on my desk for more than a couple days, I end up putting papers on top of that, which of course means I need to move things when I finally want to use it again. (And if I ever moved the portable dock from my desk, the laptop would soon be forced out of its designated deskspace.)

When we moved into our previous house, I bought a cheap drawing desk, complete with tilting surface. I kept it up at an angle, but it still gathered a pile of papers thick enough that I never used it for drawing. When we moved and it started over empty again, the same thing happened -- even faster and thicker this time since I left it flat. I finally gave up and moved the pile to a little TV tray, and the desk to the basement, so I could at least gain some floor space.

My flatbed scanner has a nice big flat surface on the lid.... so there are now three different piles of paper on it. (OK, it's at a disadvantage being next to the printer.) This makes life interesting when I actually want to scan something.

Even my shelved books aren't safe. I have two bookshelves in this room, and both of them have things piled on the top row of books.

At some point I think some sort of flatspace preservation society might want to come in and take over.


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