Dishwasher part III: The End (we hope!)

Jan 17, 2008 08:52

After last week's dishwasher debacle, we ended up deciding to just buy a new one. To put the old one back after all that work would've been rather disappointing, and we'd been intending to buy a new dishwasher soon anyway.

So Saturday we dug out the Consumer Reports, picked out a couple of good brands and a price range, then checked websites for what's currently available, and finally headed out to Sears.

The final decision was whether to install it ourselves or have someone else install it for us. Considering the hassles I'd already been through, and knowing that there were further hassles of the process that I hadn't yet ventured into (I'd punted on replacing drain hose in the vain hope that the old one would be fine), I decided to spend the extra money for installation.

The installer came yesterday and did the work, under duriyah's supervision. I think it took him maybe half an hour or so. Much quicker than I could have done it.

Now we have to learn the best buttons to push to best clean dishes with our super-hard water.


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