Safeway now has online shopping and home delivery. It's wonderful to sit here at my computer and shop for groceries without having to deal with the hectic nature of a grocery store. Since I live in a college town, one of several things is always going on when I shop:
- people are in the beer aisle arguing over what to buy and whose daddy's gold card they're going to use
- people get a shopping cart and completely forget how to use it - usually leaving it 2 aisles over from where they are at and right in the middle of the most congested space
- (related to #1) the kids forget that under 21s cannot be in the checkout line with the person buying the alcohol. Always makes for interesting drama.
- people waiting until the last possible second (usually late) to find their checkbook and write a check (always followed by a "what date is it" question)
- the too small parking lot with the formula 1 racers trying to find a spot