How I came to put a pencil in my (AHEM!)

Jul 12, 2012 09:33

Recently I went to an event with my Mommy Group. SAHParents, you know the one I'm talking about: where the children play in one area and all the grownups chat and drink wine upstairs. (At least if you are lucky to not have a bunch of uptight overcontrolling TypeAs in your Mommy Group).

Since I have gotten to the point where I have VISIBLY lost weight, the topic naturally turns to exercise. One of the Moms became obsessed with the Brazilian Butt Lift Informercial currently making the rounds. Being a thrifty Mommy, she promptly ordered it off of eBay. We passed it around looking at the booklet that comes with it.

Among the directions, is a way to test if your butt *needs* a butt lift. The guide calls for you to gently put a pencil in the crease between your cheek and leg (horizontal, not inserted!) If you can hold the pencil with your excess flesh, you fail, or are in need of their product.

Great, now I'm obsessed with an idea about a body part I cant see and a test that my brain KNOWS has no meaning. So the other day, fresh from the shower, I see a pen sitting on the nighttable. (This is embarrassing.) So I tried it.

I'm pleased to report that the pen fell on the floor. So I do not need to spend $39.95 plus shipping and handling.

(Watch, you're going to think about this obsessively too. And then you are going to try it.)


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