Posting Rules

Nov 07, 2009 13:47

Lets get this one out of the way right now.  Some people are jerks and there are pervs everywhere.  Every time I get in my car, I am in danger of killing myself or another person.  Hijackers flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and there is E. Coli present in green leafy vegetables.  There is a teeny amount of mercury in vaccines.

But I'm not going to stop eating, driving or flying.  Thousands of people died or were crippled by polio before Salk perfected his vaccine.  Life involves risk.  I want to put pictures of my beautiful child on this blog.  The 6 of you that read it WANT to see pictures of my beautiful child as well as know the ramblings of my brain.  How do I as a parent balance my need to protect him and still show him off?

There are three identifiers that the wierdos out there need to "find" me.  1) Geographic location  2) Name  3)Picture.  Think of it as a triangle.  For those of you that are familiar with the Fire Triangle only with different terms.

If you want to prevent fire, you simply have to remove one side of the triangle (see footnote).  For those of us that post openly on the Internets, we can prudently remove one of those identifiers from our blogs.  My choice is name.  My name is obviously public, and I have talked about where I live, but I attempt to keep Child and DH (Dear Husband) "anonymous."  I also attempt to give the same confidentiality to anyone else I post about.

Those readers that know me, you know the names.  You know who I'm talking about.  In some cases you ARE the person I am posting about.   Another friend who blogs "Meet Me in the Red Room" -- he uses names and locations, but there is never a picture of himself.

I have another layer of complication to my life.  As a teacher, there could be students or parents who find this blog.  I never want to post something that I could later regret.  Sure, it could be easier to not post at all, but what is life without some risk?  Every time I step outside my house, even in a virtual form, I am exposing myself.  So I attempt to live by that axiom: if you dont have something nice to say, dont say anything.

Fortunetly, I have many nice things in my life.  Things I want to share with you.  Sure, I'm playing with fire, but I feel that the benefits outweigh the risks.
Footnote:  For those of you that have no idea what I am talking about with the Fire Triangle.

Problem: Fire on Stove.  Solution: Cover pot with lid.  Fire consumes the available oxygen and since none other is available, fire extinguishes itself.  Same premise as a fire extinguisher.  Most are filled with CO2 which is heavier than air, pushing all the oxygen out of the immediate vicinity.

Problem: California wildfire headed to your house.  Solution:  Construct a firebreak which consists of a wide area where there are no "consumable" materials.  No fuel so the fire doesnt destroy your home.

I think squirting water on a fire removes both heat and oxygen, but I'm not really sure.  But I think you get the picture at this point....

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