The Toronto Star
carries May Warren's article for Metro noting an upcoming gallery showing in Mississauga celebrating the life of that city's long-time mayor Hazel McCallion. I may well go to Mississauga for this!
She has inspired paintings, crayon drawings, even a Mississauga version of the Mona Lisa.
Now former Mississauga mayor Hazel McCallion is getting her very own art exhibit to show off these tributes.
Stuart Keeler, curator and manager of museums for Mississauga, said the city is looking for submissions from the public and doesn’t think they will be hard to find.
“Sometimes monthly, we get phone calls of, ‘I have a painting of Hazel,’ ” he said. “This is a common occurrence.”
They’ve already received 25 works of art for the spring show and there’s no cap on how many they’ll take.