[PHOTO] Seven past links of mine and one review on photography

Feb 06, 2017 20:12

  • In July 2009, I wrote about my reaction to the photography of Nan Goldin, as seen in a 2003 exhibition at Montréal's Musée d'art contemporain and in book format in The Ballad of Sexual Dependency, noting how her impulse to preserve the people around her in photographs is one I got.
  • In November 2010, I linked to a blog post by Andrew Barton talking about how film photography, unlike digital photography, imposed a certain discipline owing to the relative expense of film.
  • In February 2012, I noted in an article on the power of social media to drive the mass media Zeynap Tufekci's essay wondering if social networking technologies and ubiquitous video and photography will help preserve bad memories as well as the good.
  • In April 2012, I linked to an article arguing that Instagram was ultimately good for photography.
  • In January 2014, I linked to an io9 article predicting the imminent end of cameras as standalone devices.
  • In June 2015, I linked to an Open Democracy essay talking about how photography can lend structure to a chaotic world.
  • In December 2015, I defended the practice of taking photographs in art galleries, even selfies, as actions perfectly compatible with caring about the artworks that would be subjects or even backgrounds to photographs.
  • In December 2016, I linked to an article in Wired noting how the power of photographs helps spread fake news.
  • On that same day in December, I shared Burhan Ozbilici's stunning photograph of Mevlut Mert Altintas, assassin of the Russian ambassador to Turkey, praising Ozbilici's skill.

technology, history, popular culture, photography, blogs, links, photos, social networking

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