[BLOG] Some Sunday links

Jan 22, 2017 17:09

  • Beyond the Beyond links to a US military science fiction contest.
  • The Broadside Blog's Caitlin Kelly notes that journalism is meant to offer criticisms of the president.
  • Crooked Timber has an open forum about the inauguration.
  • Dangerous Minds shares photos from seminal 1980-era London club Billy's.
  • The Dragon's Gaze links to a paper reporting on a superflare on brown dwarf EPIC 220186653.
  • A Fistful of Euros' features Doug Merrill's meditations on 2009 and 2017.
  • Language Log looks at the etymology of the Vietnamese name "Nguyen."
  • Lawyers, Guns and Money looks at Donald Trump's desire for a military parade.
  • The LRB Blog looks at Donald Trump as a winner.
  • Marginal Revolution links to a book on the economics of skyscrapers and notes a skyscraper boom in China.
  • Steve Munro looks at buses and their distribution on TTC networks.
  • Transit Toronto looks at how Exhibition Place work will complicate multiple bus routes.
  • Window on Eurasia notes low levels of Russian productivity, shares a Russian argument as to why Russia and the United States can never be allies in the long term, looks at counterproductive Russian interference in Circassian diaspora institutions, and shares argument suggesting Trump's style of language explains why he wants to forego complicated multilateral negotiations for bilateral ones where he can dominate.

nightclubbing, china, journalism, globalization, space science, united states, mass transit, toronto, london, links, popular literature, clash of ideologies, economics, mass media, astronomy, military, language, vietnam, science fiction, politics, geopolitics, skyscrapers, russia, blogs, ttc

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