[LINK] CBC News' Don Pittis on Mexico as an emergent First World economy

Jan 05, 2017 17:15

CNC News' Don Pittis has a good article, written from a Canadian perspective, arguing that the likelihood of Mexico's emergence as a First World economy means that we should shed old stereotypes. Among other things, there's the potential for substantial profit.

Handicraft markets on beach vacations may perpetuate a cartoon image of the country, but a visit to Mexico's vibrant and sparkling capital city, undergoing a long-term building boom, offers a very different view.

A new report by the Conference Board of Canada commissioned by HSBC makes the case that Mexico and Canada may be ideal trade and investment partners.

The report sees clear signs that Mexico is on the verge of an economic transition that will only benefit Canadian companies that get involved.

Despite Trump's claims, the number of Mexicans running from poverty to the United States has dwindled. While Spanish speakers continue to cross Mexico to enter the United States from other Latin American countries, an increasing number of Mexicans are finding good work at home.

In December, news that Mexico had displaced Canada as America's second biggest trading partner got lots of attention in Mexico.

But the reason U.S. companies want to locate there is that the country has become a global manufacturing hub, having free trade deals with more countries than anywhere else.

mexico, economics, globalization, latin america, united states, canada, links, north america

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