[BLOG] Some Tuesday links

Dec 27, 2016 12:20

  • Bad Astronomy shares a video imagining of how Cassini will meet its end with Saturn.
  • Cody Delistraty shares an interview with Rebecca Solnit.
  • Far Outliers reports on Margaret Thatcher's unorthodox campaign in 1979.
  • Joe. My. God. shares Hillary Clinton's thanks to her 66 million voters.
  • Marginal Revolution looks at gender stereotypes among scientists.
  • The NYRB Daily talks about the visual art of Pipilotti Rist.
  • Otto Pohl commemorates the 73rd anniversary of the deportation of the Kalmyks.
  • Window on Eurasia suggests China might follow Russia's Crimea strategy in invading Taiwan, and looks at the latest on controversies about Tatar identity and genetics.

elections, china, feminism, united states, united kingdom, crimean tatars, popular culture, tatarstan, links, public art, science, former soviet union, genocide, gender, taiwan, history, saturn, space travel, russia, blogs

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