Nov 03, 2016 10:53
- Bad Astronomy's Phil Plait reports on the latest theory about the formation of the Orion Nebula.
- Centauri Dreams looks at how the Late Heavy Bombardment may have contributed to ring formation.
- The Dragon's Gaze reports on the bizarrely dense rings of J1407b.
- Joe. My. God. reports on New York City's new streetcar routes for Brooklyn and Queens.
- Lawyers, Guns and Money notes Jill Stein's frankly hilarious crusade against John Oliver.
- The Map Room Blog notes some cute mini-maps of metro routes.
- Marginal Revolution reports on the calamitous effects of Brexit on the United Kingdom.
- The NYRB Daily notes the culture of conspiracy in this year's American election.
- Personal Reflections' Jim Belshaw looks at a very complicated Australian law regarding the eligibility of potential office-holders.
- Window on Eurasia looks at the legal groundwork for Russian irredentism and also examines the fragility of Russia's official ideology of nationhood.