[BLOG] Some Wednesday links

Aug 17, 2016 11:31

  • From last month, Charlie Stross imagined how the Laundry of his ongoing fiction series would have reacted to Boris Johnson as their superior.
  • The Big Picture shares photos of winning Olympians.
  • blogTO celebrates the Leslie Street Spit and south Etobicoke.
  • Centauri Dreams notes a study of some of the smallest and most planet-like brown dwarfs.
  • The Dragon's Tales considers the possibilities of relatively recent supernovas affecting Earth.
  • Far Outliers looks at the fur trapper culture of the American west in the early 19th century.
  • The Map Room Blog links to a study of the Brexit vote in maps.
  • Marginal Revolution's Tyler Cowen links to two columns, one on the end of economic miracles and one on what Danish-Americans do better than Danes.
  • The Planetary Society Blog notes Russia's plan to drop the number of its astronauts on the International Space Station.
  • Peter Rukavina wonders who are the 25 subscribers to The New Yorker on the Island.
  • Savage Minds has a couple of posts noting the way the skills of anthropology can be made to apply outside the discipline.
  • Window on Eurasia looks at Russia's interest in non-citizens in the Baltic States.

sports, anthropology, prince edward island, space science, separatism, neighbourhoods, united states, united kingdom, popular culture, toronto, links, economics, astronomy, social sciences, european union, former soviet union, olympics, science fiction, denmark, history, borders, space travel, russia, blogs, baltic states

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