[BLOG] Some Monday links

Aug 01, 2016 17:41

  • Centauri Dreams looks at odd binary AR Scorpii.
  • Crooked Timber examines connections between demographic change and religiosity in the United States.
  • A Fistful of Euros reports on the IMF response to the Eurozone bailouts.
  • Joe. My. God. notes the outrage of families of survivors of American military dead at Trump's treatment of the Khan family.
  • The LRB Blog calls for England to secede.
  • Out There interviews Tabitha Boyajian about KIC 8462852.
  • The Planetary Society Blog features Marc Rayman's explanation of Dawn's remaining at Ceres.
  • Peter Rukavina notes a book exploring the lost Quaker settlement of New London, on the north shore of Prince Edward Island.
  • Strange Maps looks at the cartographic imprint of Spain on the streets of Barcelona.
  • Torontoist notes that tickets for the Toronto Islands ferry can now be bought from smartphone apps.
  • Window on Eurasia suggests Russia is running out of money to sustain its economy, looks at the Russian propensity of emigration, and notes that rising unemployment is contributing to internal migration.

eurozone, prince edward island, space science, separatism, catalonia, united states, united kingdom, religion, canada, toronto islands, links, economics, astronomy, atlantic canada, european union, military, demographics, ceres, history, spain, england, space travel, migration, russia, blogs, extraterrestrial intelligence

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