[NEWS] Some Saturday links

May 28, 2016 14:42

  • Bloomberg notes Chinese interest in Australian housing is starting to drop, observes that Miami's condo boom is likewise slowing down, observes rising migration to the United Kingdom, notes a stated European Union refusal to compromise the deal with Turkey, and reports about Russia's search for export markets for its chicken.
  • Bloomberg View notes China's problems with launching itself as a pop culture exporter, and looks at the fragmentation of the European Union's digital markets.
  • CBC notes that apparently Mars is emerging from an ice age, and reports from the Conservative party's national polic convention.
  • The National Post notes that, after photos of Chinese students in a mountain village climbing almost a kilometre on a ladder to get to school, this village might get stairs.
  • Open Democracy hosts an unconvincing argument that universal basic income will make recipients lonelier.
  • Urban Ghosts Media shares photos of abandoned radar stations in North America along the Arctic.
  • Universe Today wonders if there could be life on Kepler-62f.

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