[NEWS] Some Sunday links

May 08, 2016 12:05

  • 3 Quarks Daily notes a Financial Times article on the rebirth of brutalism.
  • Bloomberg looks at the Polish opposition's upcoming protest and notes the promise of North Korea's leaders not to use nuclear weapons first.
  • CBC notes the likely permanent displacement of many from Fort McMurray and reports on the failure of Marvel's movies to be as progressive as the comics.
  • The Globe and Mail wonders if the NDP will survive.
  • MacLean's notes the Parti Québécois' planned leadership convention this fall.
  • Scientific American notes that global warming makes fires like Fort McMurray's more likely.
  • The Toronto Star notes the likely role of surveillance and predictive policing in the future.
  • Universe Today notes that Enceladus' water jets seem to occur when the moon is furthest from Saturn.
  • Wired notes the lack of an official Google Play desktop app in an article about people who designed a desktop app themselves.

disasters, poland, ndp, environment, enceladus, alberta, global warming, québec, popular culture, canada, links, nuclear weapons, futurology, news, architecture, korea, politics, north korea, saturn, central europe

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