[NEWS] Some Wednesday links

Apr 13, 2016 10:59

  • Bloomberg reports on how the weakening yen is hurting some Hong Kong retailers, notes how Chinese are visiting Hong Kong in the search for approved vaccines, and observes Brexit may not change British immigration much.
  • MacLean's notes a court ruling which states the Confederate flag is inherently anti-American, and reports on the Swedish Tourist Association's new campaign which offers people around the world the chance to talk to a random Swede.
  • Juan Cole at The Nation reports the exceptional unpopularity of Egypt's transfer of two islands in the Gulf of Aqaba to Saudi Arabia.
  • National Geographic considers the concept of dam removal in parts of the United States.
  • Open Democracy examines the awkward position of Russian culture in the Ukrainian city of L'viv.
  • Science Daily notes findings suggesting that the genes which influence homosexuality are found in most people in the world, explaining why homosexuality is common.
  • The Toronto Star reports on a thankfully foiled, but still horrifying, suicide pact involving 13 young people in Attawapiskat, and notes Denmark's turn against even people who help refugees.
  • Wired describes Yuri Milner's proposal to use powerful lasers to launch very small probes to Alpha Centauri.

first nations, china, shopping, saudi arabia, tourism, environment, middle east, ukraine, links, health, egypt, norden, news, refugees, suicide, sexuality, space travel, islands, japan, medicine, united states, ontario, united kingdom, popular culture, canada, sweden, science, hong kong, european union, former soviet union, denmark, borders, glbt issues, russia, migration, alpha centauri, racism

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