Earlier this evening, I
shared some photos from the bizarrely warm weather we've been having. Whether it's freakish or the new normal, it's the reality I've been experiencing. I don't think I like it: It reminds me that we humans have broken our planet.
What do you think? Discuss.
Comments 7
My first year in Toronto for Christmas (late 80s) had weather like this at Christmas time - shorts and sandals - and my hosts said that it was unusual but not abnormal for late December.
But this is short-sighted: I remember full well what last winter was like, and the fact that for the US East Coast, global warming can equally well mean more energy in snowstorms once the temperature dips below freezing. We may pay for this come the New Year.
(South America: mass evacuations -- over 150,000 people -- in Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil. UK: major city centres flooded out yesterday, storms every week dumping 100-200mm of rain in some areas in under a day -- monsoon levels of rain. Rivers bursting their banks and running meters above their all-time highest recorded level.)
Ottawa-Gatineau's been getting off lightly indeed.
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