[BLOG] Some Monday links

Feb 09, 2015 22:20

  • blogTO notes a Toronto vigil for the Jordanian pilot murdered by ISIS.
  • The Broadside Blog's Caitlin Kelly talks about friends and age gaps.
  • Centauri Dreams draws from Poul Anderson
  • Crooked Timber considers trolling.
  • The Dragon's Gaze links to a paper wondering why circumbinary exoplanets are so detectable.
  • The Dragon's Tales looks at robots: robots which put out fires on American navy ships, robots in China which do deliveries for Alibaba, robots which smuggle drugs.
  • Far Outliers notes Singapore's pragmatism and its strong military.
  • Language Log notes the language of language diversity.
  • Marginal Revolution wonders about the prospects of the Euro-tied Danish crown.
  • The Planetary Society Blog notes the approach of Ceres.
  • The Power and the Money's Noel Maurer considers scenarios for a profitable Nicaragua Canal and notes the oddities of Argentina.
  • Registan looks at Mongolian investment in Tuva, and other adjacent Mongolian-influence Russian regions.
  • Savage Minds looks at Iroquois linguistic J.N.B. Hewitt.
  • Seriously Science notes how immigrant chimpanzees adapt tothe vocalizations of native chimps.
  • Spacing Toronto talks about the need for an activist mayor in Toronto.
  • Torontoist examines the history of important black bookstore Third World Books and Crafts.
  • Towleroad notes many young gay/bi students are looking for sugar daddies, and notes the failure of Slovakia's anti-gay referendum.
  • The Volokh Conspiracy notes a new Bosnian Serb law strictly regulating offensive speech online.
  • Window on Eurasia notes the collapse of the Russian world, suggests Russia should not be allowed a role in Donbas, argues that a Ukrainian scenario is unlikely in the Latvian region of Latgale and in the Baltics more broadly, and looks at the growth of fascism in Russia.

education, china, war, eurozone, democracy, mongolia, middle east, ukraine, singapore, iroquois, links, clash of ideologies, astronomy, futurology, norden, language, technology, latin america, science fiction, central america, scandinavia, space travel, friends, sociology, latvia, anthropology, southeast asia, space science, united states, in memoriam, animal intelligence, toronto, economics, slovakia, social sciences, military, argentina, former soviet union, space colonization, denmark, fascism, writing, nicaragua, russian language, politics, ceres, primates, borders, glbt issues, central europe, baltic states, russia, blogs, sociolinguistics

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